Tesi etd-05062021-151833 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Uso dei nutraceutici nei pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Testai, Lara
Parole chiave
- heart failure
- insufficienza cardiaca
- nutraceuticals
- nutraceutici
Data inizio appello
L'insufficienza cardiaca (HF) è una patologia multifattoriale sistemica caratterizzata da una ridotta distribuzione di sangue e ossigeno ai tessuti periferici; colpisce prevalentemente la popolazione anziana ed è aggetto di frequenti ricoveri ospedalieri e tasso di mortalità elevato. Si distingue in insufficienza cardiaca con frazione di eiezione ventricolare sinistra ridotta (HFrEF) o preservata (HFpEF), di cui la prima presenta un quadro clinico più grave. Il sintomo principale è la dispnea cardiaca, caratterizzata da affaticamento e fame d'aria; mentre tra i segni, il più importante è l'edema periferico, che si osserva prevalentemente negli arti inferiori. Il trattamento farmacologico convenzionale è raccomandato dalla Linee Guida Europee ESC (European Sociatey of Cardiology) e Americane ACC /AHA (American College of Cardiology / American Heart Association), che suggeriscono, come terapia di prima scelta, gli inibitori dell’enzima di conversione dell’angiotensina (ACEIs). Negli ultimi 10 anni, gli approcci nutrizionali e nutraceutici hanno acquisito maggiore importanza. Infatti, accanto alla tradizionale restrizione di sodio e liquidi, anche l’integrazione ipercalorica e iperproteica, volta a contrastare la perdita involontaria di peso è una valida strategia di intervento, così come la dieta mediterranea e DASH. Tra i nutraceutici si annoverano il biancospino, il coenzima Q 10 e i PUFA – n3, ma anche vitamine e minerali stanno acquisendo un maggiore interesse, così come l’integrazione con probiotici e nutraceutici che agiscono sul metabolismo energetico. In generale, l’effetto osservato è un aumento ponderale e della capacità di lavoro massima, nonché una riduzione dello stato infiammatorio e del rischio di ospedalizzazione. Ad oggi, tuttavia, le Linee Guida non presentano raccomandazioni circa il loro impiego, fatta eccezione per i PUFA- n3, motivo per cui la ricerca futura deve valutare se l’intervento nutrizionale e nutraceutico possa avere un’azione diretta nei confronti di questa patologia.
Heart failure (HF) is a systemic multifactorial disease with a reduced distribution of blood and oxygen to peripheral tissues; it mainly affects the elderly population and is subject to frequent hospitalizations and a high mortality rate. It is distinguished in heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (HFrEF) or preserved (HFpEF), of which the former presents a more severe clinical picture. The main symptom is cardiac dyspnea, characterized by fatigue and air hunger; while among the signs, the most important is peripheral edema, which is mainly observed in the lower limbs. Conventional drug treatment is recommended by the European ESC (European Sociatey of Cardiology) and American ACC / AHA (American College of Cardiology / American Heart Association) guidelines, which suggest, as first-line therapy, inhibitors of the converting enzyme. angiotensin (ACEI). Over the past 10 years, nutritional and nutraceutical approaches have gained in importance. In fact, alongside the traditional restriction of sodium and liquids, high-calorie and high-protein supplementation, aimed at counteracting involuntary weight loss, is a valid intervention strategy, as is the Mediterranean and DASH diet. Nutraceuticals include hawthorn, coenzyme Q 10 and PUFA - n3, but vitamins and minerals are also gaining more interest, as well as supplementation with probiotics and nutraceuticals that act on energy metabolism. In general, the observed effect is an increase in weight and maximum working capacity, as well as a reduction in the inflammatory state and the risk of hospitalization. To date, however, the Guidelines do not suggest their use, with the exception of PUFA-n3, which is why future research must assess whether the current nutritional and nutraceuticals can have a direct action against this pathology.
Heart failure (HF) is a systemic multifactorial disease with a reduced distribution of blood and oxygen to peripheral tissues; it mainly affects the elderly population and is subject to frequent hospitalizations and a high mortality rate. It is distinguished in heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (HFrEF) or preserved (HFpEF), of which the former presents a more severe clinical picture. The main symptom is cardiac dyspnea, characterized by fatigue and air hunger; while among the signs, the most important is peripheral edema, which is mainly observed in the lower limbs. Conventional drug treatment is recommended by the European ESC (European Sociatey of Cardiology) and American ACC / AHA (American College of Cardiology / American Heart Association) guidelines, which suggest, as first-line therapy, inhibitors of the converting enzyme. angiotensin (ACEI). Over the past 10 years, nutritional and nutraceutical approaches have gained in importance. In fact, alongside the traditional restriction of sodium and liquids, high-calorie and high-protein supplementation, aimed at counteracting involuntary weight loss, is a valid intervention strategy, as is the Mediterranean and DASH diet. Nutraceuticals include hawthorn, coenzyme Q 10 and PUFA - n3, but vitamins and minerals are also gaining more interest, as well as supplementation with probiotics and nutraceuticals that act on energy metabolism. In general, the observed effect is an increase in weight and maximum working capacity, as well as a reduction in the inflammatory state and the risk of hospitalization. To date, however, the Guidelines do not suggest their use, with the exception of PUFA-n3, which is why future research must assess whether the current nutritional and nutraceuticals can have a direct action against this pathology.
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