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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-05042022-111246

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Magnetogenetic tools for the manipulation of cellular behaviour
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Raffa, Vittoria
Parole chiave
  • magnetogenetics
  • nanoparticles
  • Nanotransducers
  • recombinant proteins
  • stretch-growth
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Nanogenetics represents a promising combination of nanotechnology and genetics that would
potentially allow us to control molecular mechanisms inside cells. This emerging technology is
composed by different areas, such as magnetogenetics, optogenetics and thermogenetics which
importantly share the same basic working design of a nanosensor: by implementing external stimuli
we would be able to activate in a precise and controlled manner a functionalized nanoparticle to
regulate biological processes.
The biggest advantage of nanogenetics is given by the possibility of switching on or off the system,
according to the presence or absence of the stimulus itself. This fact does e.g., confer the capability
of studying selectively the stimulation of a molecular process, such as the activation of the catalytic
activity of a protein of interest. Depending on the coating of the nanoparticle, different intracellular
targets can be addressed.
In my project thesis, I am working on the development of cutting-edge systems to remotely control
axon outgrowth. Stretch growth (SG) has been defined as a process that extends axons via the
application of mechanical forces: the comprehension of this phenomenon, of the mechanisms
behind it, and its possible application to achieve axons regeneration, would represent a great
accomplishment for finding new therapeutical approaches. Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles
(MNPs) can be used to induce SG to trigger axon outgrowth in response to a magnetic stimulus. The
mechanism behind this process is still unknown and the activation of mechanosensitive channels
(MS) is a possible target.
To further understand it I perform experiments on primary neuronal cell cultures obtained from P0
mice hippocampi. I synthetized home-made iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles which were
subjected to several studies to comprehend their stretching ability, the best working
concentrations, possible toxicity, effective internalization. Moreover, the project aim to
functionalize the MNPs with two different recombinant proteins presenting different intracellular
localization abilities. The principal idea is to evaluate if a differential localization of the conjugated
MNPs could lead to a divergent response in the SG. In particular, the localization of the MNP to the
cell membrane could provide insight in the involvement of MS channels.