Tesi etd-05032024-122240 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Bresciani, Luca
Parole chiave
- d.lgs. 121/2018
- juvenile prison system
- minori
- minors
- ordinamento penitenziario minorile
- pena detentiva
- prison sentence
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Dopo oltre quarant’anni di silenzio legislativo, il legislatore ha finalmente adottato una normativa ad hoc per l’ordinamento penitenziario minorile, il d.lgs. n. 121 del 2018, dando seguito, dopo molto tempo, all’avvertimento formulato dalla Consulta. Invero, la Corte costituzionale, nel corso degli anni, mediante “sentenze monito” e declaratorie di incostituzionalità, ha svolto un ruolo essenziale nell’adattare i principi elaborati nel sistema penitenziario pensato per gli adulti alle specifiche esigenze dei minori. Accogliendo i principi giurisprudenziali e conformandosi ai dettami costituzionali e sovranazionali, la “nuova” disciplina dell’esecuzione minorile avrebbe dovuto dar vita a un corpus normativo che rendesse la fase dell’esecuzione della pena perfettamente rispondente ai bisogni dei fanciulli, autori di reato. L’elaborato si concentra, principalmente, sulla pena detentiva e si propone di esaminare le novità introdotte dalla normativa. A tal fine, è risultato utile visitare gli Istituti penitenziari minorili della Toscana per apprendere, da un punto di vista pratico-operativo, quali sono stati gli effetti del d.lgs. 121/2018 sull’esecuzione intra-moenia. Si tratterà, dunque, di valutare se il legislatore sia riuscito a creare una pena “su misura” per i minori.
After more than four decades of legislative silence, the legislature has finally adopted ad hoc legislation for the juvenile prison system, Legislative Decree No. 121 of 2018, following up, after a long time, the warning issued by the Constitutional Court. Indeed, the Constitutional Court, over the years, through "warning judgments" and declarations of unconstitutionality, has played an essential role, adapting the principles elaborated in the penitentiary system designed for adults to the specific needs of juveniles. Embracing jurisprudential principles and conforming to constitutional and supranational dictates, the "new" discipline of juvenile execution was supposed to give rise to a body of law that would make the penalty execution phase perfectly responsive to the needs of children, offenders. The paper focuses, primarily, on custodial sentencing and aims to examine the new features introduced by the legislation. To this end, it was useful to visit the juvenile penitentiary institutes of Tuscany to learn, from a practical-operational point of view, what were the effects of Legislative Decree 121/2018 on intra-moenia execution. Thus, it will be a matter of assessing whether the legislature has succeeded in creating a "tailor-made" sentence for juveniles.
After more than four decades of legislative silence, the legislature has finally adopted ad hoc legislation for the juvenile prison system, Legislative Decree No. 121 of 2018, following up, after a long time, the warning issued by the Constitutional Court. Indeed, the Constitutional Court, over the years, through "warning judgments" and declarations of unconstitutionality, has played an essential role, adapting the principles elaborated in the penitentiary system designed for adults to the specific needs of juveniles. Embracing jurisprudential principles and conforming to constitutional and supranational dictates, the "new" discipline of juvenile execution was supposed to give rise to a body of law that would make the penalty execution phase perfectly responsive to the needs of children, offenders. The paper focuses, primarily, on custodial sentencing and aims to examine the new features introduced by the legislation. To this end, it was useful to visit the juvenile penitentiary institutes of Tuscany to learn, from a practical-operational point of view, what were the effects of Legislative Decree 121/2018 on intra-moenia execution. Thus, it will be a matter of assessing whether the legislature has succeeded in creating a "tailor-made" sentence for juveniles.
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Tesi non consultabile. |