Tesi etd-05032021-122305 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Dopo il "contratto in generale": spunti per una nuova articolazione delle tutele nel prisma della regolazione del mercato
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Calderai, Valentina
Parole chiave
- Contratto
- diritto europeo
- trasparenza
- tutele
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
La civilistica classica identifica nel contratto una categoria ordinante unitaria e monolitica, fondata sulle regole del Libro IV Cod. civ. Essa riflette un’immagine del contratto quale scambio discreto, retto dai principi di libertà contrattuale e uguaglianza formale. Questo modello di razionalità, che si richiama all’innatismo giusnaturalista, costituisce in realtà il precipitato di un sistema economico ispirato agli assiomi del liberalismo classico. Nell’ultimo secolo, l’egemonia sistematica ed assiologica di questa impostazione è venuta meno, sia per la proliferazione di statuti contrattuali animati da rationes dissimili, sia per il sopravvento di tecniche di contrattazione uniforme. In questo contesto, non è possibile individuare un’‘idea’ di contratto retta da principi condivisi che legittimi il primato di un diritto generale e comune. Oggi, la categoria del contratto si riarticola in una pluralità di statuti disciplinari, ove regole e principi riflettono la logica propria degli ambiti di attività a cui il fenomeno contrattuale inerisce. Nel diritto privato europeo, il contratto diventa uno strumento integrato nella struttura regolatoria del mercato, la cui disciplina si conforma a obiettivi di concorrenzialità ed efficienza allocativa. Nelle conclusioni, l’attitudine euristica del modello proposto è saggiata con l’applicazione ad un caso studio: il rapporto tra la disciplina delle pratiche commerciali scorrette (Dir. 2005/29) e quella delle clausole abusive (Dir. 93/13).
The civil code regards the contract as a binding agreement between two individuals, ruled by the principles of freedom of contract and party equality. This rationale reflects the eighteenth-century individualistic attitude, which is enforced by the natural-law doctrine and by the axioms of classical economics. Nowadays, however, two factors challenge this classic understanding: from a normative perspective, the enactment of contract disciplines aiming to pursue social or market goals, and from a market perspective, the spread of transactions ruled entirely by standard contracts. Against this background, a unitarian understanding of contract law focused on common rationales and objectives is no more feasible. Consequently, I suggest that the contract law should be framed according to the different rationales that underly contractual relationships within the contemporary legal framework. In particular, within the European regulatory framework, the contract should be considered an instrument for organizing the market according to competition and efficiency criteria. At the end of the thesis, the advantage deriving from an economic and competition-oriented understanding of European contract law is tested by providing a possible solution to a long-debated issue: the relationship between the unfairness of a commercial practice within the meaning of Dir. 2005/29 and the (un)fairness of contract terms under Dir. 1993/13.
The civil code regards the contract as a binding agreement between two individuals, ruled by the principles of freedom of contract and party equality. This rationale reflects the eighteenth-century individualistic attitude, which is enforced by the natural-law doctrine and by the axioms of classical economics. Nowadays, however, two factors challenge this classic understanding: from a normative perspective, the enactment of contract disciplines aiming to pursue social or market goals, and from a market perspective, the spread of transactions ruled entirely by standard contracts. Against this background, a unitarian understanding of contract law focused on common rationales and objectives is no more feasible. Consequently, I suggest that the contract law should be framed according to the different rationales that underly contractual relationships within the contemporary legal framework. In particular, within the European regulatory framework, the contract should be considered an instrument for organizing the market according to competition and efficiency criteria. At the end of the thesis, the advantage deriving from an economic and competition-oriented understanding of European contract law is tested by providing a possible solution to a long-debated issue: the relationship between the unfairness of a commercial practice within the meaning of Dir. 2005/29 and the (un)fairness of contract terms under Dir. 1993/13.
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Tesi non consultabile. |