Tesi etd-05012020-110018 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Innovative Additives for Modulating PLA Ductility
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Lazzeri, Andrea
relatore Prof.ssa Coltelli, Maria Beatrice
relatore Prof. Ciardelli, Francesco
relatore Prof.ssa Coltelli, Maria Beatrice
relatore Prof. Ciardelli, Francesco
Parole chiave
- biodegradable
- bioplastics
- biopolymers
- ductility
- Innovative additives
- Poly(lactic acid)
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
A temperatura ambiente il PLA è rigido, fragile, con una bassa resistenza a rottura e limitato comportamento plastico. L’obiettivo perseguito nel presente lavoro sperimentale è quello di migliorarne la duttilità, mediante miscelazione, per renderlo più lavorabile ampliando il suo campo d’utilizzo. La miscelazione del PLA con alcuni biopolimeri naturali di grande diffusione (i.e. amido) inoltre può ridurre il costo totale del prodotto, migliorare le proprietà meccaniche e assicurarne la biodegradabilità. L’aggiunta efficace di amido a tale miscela è ostacolata dalla bassissima compatibilità che esso ha particolarmente con il PLA. Infatti, il primo ha una grande quantità di gruppi -OH che gli conferiscono un carattere idrofilo e polare, mentre il PLA è un poliestere fortemente idrofobo con limitate caratteristiche polari per la presenza di gruppi esterei in catena principale. Questa differente idrofilicità va a limitare fortemente la miscibilità creando due fasi pressoché incompatibili con la formazione di clusters di amido in una matrice di polilattico (polimero prevalente in peso) che costituiscono punti di intensificazione dello sforzo con conseguente infragilimento del materiale. In tale situazione, si osserva una bassissima adesione interfacciale tra matrice e fase dispersa con una scarsa o inesistente interfase che comporta l’impossibilità di un corretto trasferimento del carico dalla matrice al rinforzo portando a rottura fragile del materiale. Sulla base di queste considerazioni il lavoro di questa tesi è stato incentrato, sullo studio del comportamento plastico (processabilità e proprietà sforzo/allungamento) di miscele tra PLA/PBAT ed amido e dell’effetto di vari additivi in grado di favorire la miscelazione in condizioni più blande conferendo al sistema le risposte meccaniche richieste.
At room temperature PLA is rigid, fragile, with low tensile strength and limited plastic behavior. The aim of this experimental work is to improve its ductility by mixing it with innovative addititives to enhance its processability and expanding its scope of use. Mixing PLA with some widespread natural biopolymers (i.e. starch) can also reduce the total cost of the product, improve mechanical properties and ensure biodegradability. The effective addition of starch to this mixture is hampered by the very low compatibility it particularly has with PLA. In fact, the former has a large amount of groups -OH that give it a hydrophilic and polar character, while PLA is a strongly hydrophobic polyester with limited polar characteristics for the presence of ester groups in the main chain. This different hydrophylicity severely limits the mixing by creating two phases that are almost incompatible with the formation of starch clusters in a polylactic matrix (predominant polymer in weight) that constitute points of intensification of the stress, with a consequent embrittlement of the material. In this situation, there is a very low interfacial adhesion between the matrix and dispersed phase with a poor or non-existent interphase that results in the impossibility of a proper transfer of load from the matrix to reinforcement leading to brittle fracture of the material. Based on these considerations, the work of this thesis has focused, on the study of plastic behaviour (processability and stress/strain properties) of mixtures between PLA/PBAT and starch and the effect of various additives that can facilitate mixing in milder conditions by giving the system the required mechanical responses.
At room temperature PLA is rigid, fragile, with low tensile strength and limited plastic behavior. The aim of this experimental work is to improve its ductility by mixing it with innovative addititives to enhance its processability and expanding its scope of use. Mixing PLA with some widespread natural biopolymers (i.e. starch) can also reduce the total cost of the product, improve mechanical properties and ensure biodegradability. The effective addition of starch to this mixture is hampered by the very low compatibility it particularly has with PLA. In fact, the former has a large amount of groups -OH that give it a hydrophilic and polar character, while PLA is a strongly hydrophobic polyester with limited polar characteristics for the presence of ester groups in the main chain. This different hydrophylicity severely limits the mixing by creating two phases that are almost incompatible with the formation of starch clusters in a polylactic matrix (predominant polymer in weight) that constitute points of intensification of the stress, with a consequent embrittlement of the material. In this situation, there is a very low interfacial adhesion between the matrix and dispersed phase with a poor or non-existent interphase that results in the impossibility of a proper transfer of load from the matrix to reinforcement leading to brittle fracture of the material. Based on these considerations, the work of this thesis has focused, on the study of plastic behaviour (processability and stress/strain properties) of mixtures between PLA/PBAT and starch and the effect of various additives that can facilitate mixing in milder conditions by giving the system the required mechanical responses.
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Tesi non consultabile. |