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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-04132012-142743

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Change and Stability in the Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms “GCC”
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Prof. Vernassa, Maurizio
Parole chiave
  • arab nationalism
  • arab spring
  • Iran Wahhabis
  • Kuwait
  • Persian Gulf
  • Saudi Arabia
  • sectarianism
  • Sheikhdoms
  • socio-cultural modernization
  • tribal structure
Data inizio appello
- The area of the GCC is bigger than West Europe. They are one of the major poles of international economy, especially in finance and banking domains. They are the most determining factor in the oil market, not only because of mass production, but also for the reason of their rich resources.
- They are newly established countries. Their social-tribal structure and their cultural behavior are not fitting the modern governance. This contrast made and makes a lot of problems that will continue. Their location is one of the most strategic.
- Their developments have more external origin than internal, especially from the Arab world: Arab nationalism and Nasserism, the 67 and 73 wars, the 1960’s and 70’s religious and political developments in Egypt, the Islamic revolution in Iran, the military intervention of US in Afghanistan, the Iran-Iraq war, Kuwait occupation, 11/9, 2003 war, and Arab Spring. And also rise of oil prices, flowage of foreign manpower, vast presence of US military, and rapid modernization.
- All these factors strongly affected their cultural and religious attitude. The most Islamic sacred places lie in this region. This reality along with desert and tribal culture caused different reactions since the late 70’s. Al-Uteibi and al-Qaeda are good examples, but a large number of their population became extremists and they are now enjoying a great political and financial influence. Certainly, modern communications played a big role. This reality made a new situation in the Arab and Muslim world and even on the international scene.
I tried to explain briefly all these developments, including the socio-political stability. It can be done through a clear comprehension of Islamic culture and civilization, Arab peculiarities and their experiences in the modern time, and history of the Arabian Peninsula.