Tesi etd-04082019-164007 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
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La pluralità degli ordinamenti giuridici nel pensiero di Antonio Pigliaru (1922-1969)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Greco, Tommaso
Parole chiave
- Antonio Pigliaru
- antropologia
- antropology
- banditismo
- barbaricina
- being
- diritto
- filosofia
- giuridico
- human
- juridical
- law
- legal
- molteplicità
- noi
- person
- persona
- philosophy
- pluralism
- pluralismo
- pluralità
- plurality
- relational
- relationship
- relazionalismo
- relazione
- sociologia
- sociology
- teoria
- theory
- umana
- vendetta
Data inizio appello
Lo studio analizza la corrente filosofica che, nella teoria del diritto, sostiene la pluralità degli ordinamenti, esplorando il contributo legato all'opera di Antonio Pigliaru (1922-1969). A tal fine, la prima parte del lavoro è dedicata all'analisi delle dottrine pluralistiche diffuse in Europa all'inizio del XX secolo, con particolare attenzione ad una lettura del pluralismo politico inglese in chiave teorico-giuridica. La seconda parte ripercorre l'itinerario intellettuale di Pigliaru, ponendo l'accento sul rapporto fra l'autore ed il contesto storico-culturale ed alcune figure illustri del suo tempo (Gentile, Capograssi, Bobbio e Gramsci). Infine, la terza parte approfondisce la teoria pluralistica di Pigliaru, prendendo le mosse dal noto saggio sulla "Vendetta barbaricina come ordinamento giuridico" ed operando una lettura trasversale di altre opere, tesa ad inquadrare l'autore in una concezione relazionale del diritto che osserva la sfera politica e giuridica alla luce della sua matrice umana.
This study delves into the philosophical movement that affirms the theoretical plurality of legal orders and focuses on Antonio Pigliaru’s contribution to that doctrine. In order to achieve this, the first Chapter analyses the pluralistic theories that were spreading all-over Europe in the early 20th century and approaches British political pluralism through a legal-theoretical perspective. The second Chapter retraces Pigliaru’s intellectual journey, considering his thought within its historical and cultural background and his relationship with some important contemporary authors (Gentile, Capograssi, Bobbio and Gramsci). The third Chapter summarises Pigliaru’s pluralistic theory, moving from a well-known essay about the customary code of “Vendetta” in Barbagia (Sardinia) as a legal order. In conclusion, our study embeds this author into the relational theory of law, by an overarching analysis of his works and an adequate remark of his view of law and politics as arising from their human origin.
This study delves into the philosophical movement that affirms the theoretical plurality of legal orders and focuses on Antonio Pigliaru’s contribution to that doctrine. In order to achieve this, the first Chapter analyses the pluralistic theories that were spreading all-over Europe in the early 20th century and approaches British political pluralism through a legal-theoretical perspective. The second Chapter retraces Pigliaru’s intellectual journey, considering his thought within its historical and cultural background and his relationship with some important contemporary authors (Gentile, Capograssi, Bobbio and Gramsci). The third Chapter summarises Pigliaru’s pluralistic theory, moving from a well-known essay about the customary code of “Vendetta” in Barbagia (Sardinia) as a legal order. In conclusion, our study embeds this author into the relational theory of law, by an overarching analysis of his works and an adequate remark of his view of law and politics as arising from their human origin.
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