Tesi etd-04062022-211905 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Applicazione dei principi della Lean Production mediante metodologia Kanban in un'azienda del Luxury Fashion Market
Corso di studi
relatore Ing. Carmignani, Gionata
relatore Ing. Marrazzini, Leonardo
relatore Ing. Marrazzini, Leonardo
Parole chiave
- kanban
- kit
- kpi
- lean
- luxury
- time to market
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il seguente progetto di tesi si è basato sull’esperienza di tirocinio della durata di sei mesi presso un’azienda del settore del lusso. Lo scopo del progetto è stato quello di comprendere le inefficienze del contesto interno aziendale e apporre miglioramenti sulla base dei principi della Lean Manufacturing con l’obiettivo di ridurre il Time to Market. Dopo aver analizzato le attività focus inerenti alla posizione di Acquisti di Materia Prima, si è approfondito il processo relativo al reparto Produzione e l’interfacciamento con i fabbricanti e fornitori esterni. Eseguita la mappatura dei flussi dello stato AS IS, è stato possibile analizzare i maggiori Muda dell’intero sistema e le loro principali cause. Il progetto si è avviato con l’implementazione di sistemi di misurazione, ovvero i KPI, volti a definire lo standard richiesto ai soggetti terzi con cui l’azienda opera. Successivamente sono stati implementati tre step di miglioramento: la prima fase ha previsto una riprogettazione di processi interni aziendali ritenuti fortemente critici e non strutturati; la seconda fase si è orientata a livellare il flusso di approvvigionamento da fornitore tramite l’introduzione del sistema Kanban per codici Carry Over; infine, l’ultimo step si è occupato di inserire il sistema di gestione Kit-Kanban per ordini di prototipia su fabbricante. Dopo aver avviato il progetto pilota è stato possibile rilevare una riduzione nei Lead time di prototipia e di approvvigionamento di prodotto finito.
The following thesis project is based on the six-month internship experience in a Luxury Fashion Market’s company. The aim of the project is to understand the inefficiencies of the company context and make improvements based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing in order to reduce Time to Market. After analyzing the focus activities of the Raw Material Purchasing position, the process relating to the Production department and the interaction with external manufacturers and suppliers was studied in depth. First of all the process flow of AS IS state was mapped, then it was possible to analyze the major Muda of the entire system and their main causes. The project began with the implementation of measurement systems, or KPIs, by defining the standard required of third parties with whom the company operates. Subsequently, three improvement steps were established: the first phase provide a redesign of internal company processes considered highly critical and unstructured; the second phase focus was to level the supply flow from the supplier through the introduction of the Kanban system for Carry Over codes; finally, the last step involved inserting the Kit-Kanban management system for prototype orders on the manufacturer. After the pilot project was launched, it was observed a reduction in the lead times for prototyping and procurement of finished products.
The following thesis project is based on the six-month internship experience in a Luxury Fashion Market’s company. The aim of the project is to understand the inefficiencies of the company context and make improvements based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing in order to reduce Time to Market. After analyzing the focus activities of the Raw Material Purchasing position, the process relating to the Production department and the interaction with external manufacturers and suppliers was studied in depth. First of all the process flow of AS IS state was mapped, then it was possible to analyze the major Muda of the entire system and their main causes. The project began with the implementation of measurement systems, or KPIs, by defining the standard required of third parties with whom the company operates. Subsequently, three improvement steps were established: the first phase provide a redesign of internal company processes considered highly critical and unstructured; the second phase focus was to level the supply flow from the supplier through the introduction of the Kanban system for Carry Over codes; finally, the last step involved inserting the Kit-Kanban management system for prototype orders on the manufacturer. After the pilot project was launched, it was observed a reduction in the lead times for prototyping and procurement of finished products.
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Tesi non consultabile. |