Tesi etd-04052021-182903 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
L'ἀρχή ἀνυπεύθυνος nel prisma di 'provocatio ad populum' e 'crimen repetundarum'
Idee vecchie e nuove in tema di responsabilità del dictator
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Procchi, Federico
Parole chiave
- dittatore
- provocatio
- repetundae
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Le fonti storiografiche restituiscono ai contemporanei una immagine della dittatura romana nei termini di una magistratura dal potere insindacabile, superiore addirittura a quello dei consoli, ed alla quale, durante l’esperienza repubblicana, si ricorreva nei casi di estrema necessità ed urgenza, allorquando fosse in pericolo la salvezza dello Stato. D’altronde, l’indagine dei connotati dell’imperium dictatoris è condotta, in questo contributo, alla luce di una ricorrente definizione offerta da testimonianze provenienti dall’ambiente greco, molto lontane cronologicamente rispetto all’epoca in cui la dittatura fu in grado di mostrare massimo lustro: ἀρχή ἀνυπεύθυνος. Se la topica assimilazione del potere dittatoriale a quello di un re offre l’occasione per riconsiderare il ruolo della magistratura “straordinaria” nell’alveo dell’ordinamento proto repubblicano, finendo per riconoscerne una presenza ai vertici istituzionali dello Stato molto maggiore rispetto a quella che le fonti ci tramandano, diviene giocoforza intendere la dittatura storica alla stregua di un formidabile strumento esecutivo delle direttive politiche dell’oligarchia senatoria, che, nel graduale trapasso dal regime monarchico a quello repubblicano, assunse le redini della Città. In questo senso, l’affermazione delle posizioni di potere della classe dirigente giustificava la sua esenzione da provocatio ad populum, da intercessio tribunizia e da una qualsivoglia contestazione del suo operato irrestringibile da parte dei rappresentanti della comunità plebea in genere. Il consolidamento di nuovi equilibri politici, in conseguenza delle leggi Licinie Sestie, aprirono la strada, almeno concettualmente, ad una restrizione dell’ambito di operatività della magistratura dittatoriale a situazioni di estrema necessità o allo svolgimento di funzioni sacrali ed amministrative: l’ascesa del consolato a suprema magistratura cittadina giustificò, oltremodo, la contrazione della durata della dittatura a sei mesi. La qualificazione dell’imperium dittatoriale nei termini pocanzi riferiti pone altresì il problema di un suo coordinamento con la testimonianza secondo la quale da un certo momento in poi anche siffatto potere coercitivo incontrò, nel suo estrinsecarsi, il limite della provocatio ad populum: la questione, merita di essere analizzata da un duplice angolo visuale, rappresentato, per un verso, dall’individuazione del momento a partire dal quale questo mutamento presumibilmente avvenne e, per altro verso, dalla necessità di giustificare l’operatività del rimedio in questione rispetto allo svolgimento da parte del dittatore di mansioni palesemente esterne all’ambito della sua coercitio, quali la celebrazione di giochi pubblici, l’affissione di un chiodo in funzione espiatoria o la convocazione dei comizi per le elezioni magistratuali. D’altra parte, la raggiunta opponibilità della provocatio ad populum nei suoi confronti dava inizio ad un graduale declino della magistratura, ormai destinata a presentarsi nelle ultime apparizioni durante il secondo conflitto punico in forma del tutto originale rispetto a quella che l’aveva caratterizzata in passato, aprendo le porte alla sua obliterazione sul piano pratico per circa centoventi anni, fino alla sua riesumazione da parte di Silla, con connotati del tutto trasformati. In questo lungo intervallo, tuttavia, sorprende la menzione della dittatura tra i possibili soggetti attivi del crimen repetundarum ad opera della lex Sempronia repetundarum del 123 a.C.: se il provvedimento lascia forse intendere la conservazione della dittatura all’interno dell’armamentario magistratuale repubblicano, almeno a livello concettuale, anche nella nuova dimensione imperialistica che Roma assunse a valle della prima guerra contro il Cartaginese, l’evoluzione cui andò incontro la quaestio de repetundis è probabilmente in grado di offrire importanti spunti di riflessione per addivenire ad una comprensione del significato ultimo della qualificazione della magistratura in esame in termini di ἀνυπεύθυνος.
The historiographical sources give back to contemporaries an image of the Roman dictatorship in terms of a magistracy with unquestionable power, even higher than that of the consuls, and which, during the republican experience, was used in cases of extreme necessity and urgency, when the safety of the State was in danger. On the other hand, the investigation of the connotations of the imperium dictatoris is conducted, in this contribution, in the light of a recurring definition offered by testimonies from the Greek environment, very distant chronologically from the time in which the dictatorship was able to show maximum luster: ἀρχή ἀνυπεύθυνος. If the topical assimilation of dictatorial power to that of a king offers an opportunity to reconsider the role of the "extraordinary" magistrature in the proto-republican system, ending up recognizing a much greater presence at the institutional top of the state than that which the sources hand down to us, it becomes necessary to understand the historical dictatorship as a formidable executive instrument of the political directives of the senatorial oligarchy, which, in the gradual transition from the monarchical to the republican regime, assumed the reins of the city. In this sense, the affirmation of the positions of power of the ruling class justified its exemption from provocatio ad populum, from tribunicia intercessio and from any contestation of its unrestricted power by the representatives of the plebeian community in general. The consolidation of new political balances, as a consequence of the Liciniae Sextiae laws, opened the way, at least conceptually, to a restriction of the sphere of operation of the dictatorial judiciary to situations of extreme necessity or to the performance of sacred and administrative functions: the rise of consulate to supreme city magistracy justified, over and above, the contraction of the duration of the dictatorship to six months. The qualification of the dictatorial imperium in the terms referred to above also raises the problem of its coordination with the testimony according to which from a certain moment onwards even this coercive power encountered, in its manifestation, the limit of provocatio ad populum: the question deserves to be analyzed from a double angle of view, represented, on the one hand, by the identification of the moment from which this change presumably took place and, on the other hand, by the need to justify the remedy in question against the performance by part of the dictator of tasks clearly outside the scope of his coercion, such as the celebration of public games, the affixing of a nail as an expiatory function or the calling of rallies for magistrate elections. However, the reached opposition of the provocatio ad populum against him started a gradual decline of the magistrature, now destined to present itself in the last apparitions during the second Punic conflict in a completely original form compared to that which had characterized it in past, opening the doors to its obliteration on a practical level for about one hundred and twenty years, until its exhumation by Sylla, with completely transformed characteristics. In this long interval the mention of the dictatorship among the possible active subjects of the crimen repetundarum by the lex Sempronia repetundarum of 123 BC is surprising: if the provision suggests perhaps the preservation of the dictatorship within the republican magistracy armamentarium, at least on a conceptual level, also in the new imperialist dimension that Rome took on after the first war against the Carthaginian, the evolution which the quaestio de repetundis is probably able to offer important food for thought to arrive at a comprehension of the ultimate meaning of the qualification of the magistrature in question in terms of ἀνυπεύθυνος.
The historiographical sources give back to contemporaries an image of the Roman dictatorship in terms of a magistracy with unquestionable power, even higher than that of the consuls, and which, during the republican experience, was used in cases of extreme necessity and urgency, when the safety of the State was in danger. On the other hand, the investigation of the connotations of the imperium dictatoris is conducted, in this contribution, in the light of a recurring definition offered by testimonies from the Greek environment, very distant chronologically from the time in which the dictatorship was able to show maximum luster: ἀρχή ἀνυπεύθυνος. If the topical assimilation of dictatorial power to that of a king offers an opportunity to reconsider the role of the "extraordinary" magistrature in the proto-republican system, ending up recognizing a much greater presence at the institutional top of the state than that which the sources hand down to us, it becomes necessary to understand the historical dictatorship as a formidable executive instrument of the political directives of the senatorial oligarchy, which, in the gradual transition from the monarchical to the republican regime, assumed the reins of the city. In this sense, the affirmation of the positions of power of the ruling class justified its exemption from provocatio ad populum, from tribunicia intercessio and from any contestation of its unrestricted power by the representatives of the plebeian community in general. The consolidation of new political balances, as a consequence of the Liciniae Sextiae laws, opened the way, at least conceptually, to a restriction of the sphere of operation of the dictatorial judiciary to situations of extreme necessity or to the performance of sacred and administrative functions: the rise of consulate to supreme city magistracy justified, over and above, the contraction of the duration of the dictatorship to six months. The qualification of the dictatorial imperium in the terms referred to above also raises the problem of its coordination with the testimony according to which from a certain moment onwards even this coercive power encountered, in its manifestation, the limit of provocatio ad populum: the question deserves to be analyzed from a double angle of view, represented, on the one hand, by the identification of the moment from which this change presumably took place and, on the other hand, by the need to justify the remedy in question against the performance by part of the dictator of tasks clearly outside the scope of his coercion, such as the celebration of public games, the affixing of a nail as an expiatory function or the calling of rallies for magistrate elections. However, the reached opposition of the provocatio ad populum against him started a gradual decline of the magistrature, now destined to present itself in the last apparitions during the second Punic conflict in a completely original form compared to that which had characterized it in past, opening the doors to its obliteration on a practical level for about one hundred and twenty years, until its exhumation by Sylla, with completely transformed characteristics. In this long interval the mention of the dictatorship among the possible active subjects of the crimen repetundarum by the lex Sempronia repetundarum of 123 BC is surprising: if the provision suggests perhaps the preservation of the dictatorship within the republican magistracy armamentarium, at least on a conceptual level, also in the new imperialist dimension that Rome took on after the first war against the Carthaginian, the evolution which the quaestio de repetundis is probably able to offer important food for thought to arrive at a comprehension of the ultimate meaning of the qualification of the magistrature in question in terms of ἀνυπεύθυνος.
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