Tesi etd-03222024-104227 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Formulazione di una dieta basata su prodotti derivanti da insetti
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Mancini, Simone
correlatore Prof. Fratini, Filippo
correlatore Dott. Spigno, Luca
correlatore Prof. Fratini, Filippo
correlatore Dott. Spigno, Luca
Parole chiave
- diet
- dieta
- insects
- insetti
- nutrition
- nutrizione
- proteine
- proteins
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Negli ultimi anni gli insetti commestibili sono stati valutati come un’alternativa sostenibile ed economica ad altre fonti proteiche animali, ad esempio la carne. In quest’ottica si è cercato di realizzare un’ipotetica dieta che rispettasse i criteri non solo economici e ambientali, ma anche nutrizionali. Infatti, l’oggetto della tesi è quello di inserire prodotti normalmente consumati in una dieta onnivora, arricchiti da prodotti derivanti da insetti autorizzati al commercio in Unione Europea, ovvero Acheta domesticus, Alphitobius diaperinus, Locusta migratoria e Tenebrio molitor. Con questa dieta si è cercato di capire se i prodotti potessero sostituire, almeno parzialmente, la carne derivata da animali convenzionali. Dallo studio sono emersi risultati interessanti; infatti, gli insetti contengono alti livelli di proteine di buona qualità, data la presenza di amminoacidi essenziali talvolta assenti nella carne convenzionale. Anche il profilo lipidico è notevole, essendo composto da una quota importante di acidi grassi saturi, fattore da non sottovalutare se si vuole stilare una dieta sana in grado di seguire le linee guida nutrizionali. Gli insetti mostrano poi buone quantità di ferro e vitamina B12. Resta da capire se, sostituendo interamente la carne con questi prodotti, sia possibile seguire una dieta senza incappare in situazioni di malnutrizione, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i micronutrienti. Infatti, negli insetti sono presenti una serie di fattori antinutrizionali che possono legare alcuni micronutrienti e renderli indisponibili all’assorbimento nel tratto gastrointestinale umano. Gli studi sugli insetti rimangono in continuo aggiornamento, per cui in futuro si potrà scoprire di più dell’impatto nutrizionale che essi possono fornire ad una dieta.
In recent years, edible insects have been evaluated as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to other animal protein sources, such as meat. With this in mind, an attempt was made to create a hypothetical diet that respected not only economic and environmental criteria, but also nutritional criteria. In fact, the object of the thesis is to include products normally consumed in an omnivorous diet, enriched with products derived from insects authorized for trade in the European Union, namely Acheta domesticus, Alphitobius diaperinus, Locusta migratoria and Tenebrio molitor. With this diet, we tried to understand whether the products could replace, at least partially, meat derived from conventional animals. Interesting results emerged from the study; In fact, insects contain high levels of good quality protein, given the presence of essential amino acids that are sometimes absent in conventional meat. The lipid profile is also remarkable, being composed of a significant share of saturated fatty acids, a factor that should not be underestimated if you want to draw up a healthy diet that can follow nutritional guidelines. Insects also show good amounts of iron and vitamin B12. It remains to be seen whether, by entirely replacing meat with these products, it is possible to follow a diet without running into situations of malnutrition, especially with regard to micronutrients. In fact, there are a number of antinutritional factors in insects that can bind certain micronutrients and make them unavailable for absorption in the human gastrointestinal tract. Studies on insects are constantly being updated, so in the future it will be possible to find out more about the nutritional impact they can provide to a diet.
In recent years, edible insects have been evaluated as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to other animal protein sources, such as meat. With this in mind, an attempt was made to create a hypothetical diet that respected not only economic and environmental criteria, but also nutritional criteria. In fact, the object of the thesis is to include products normally consumed in an omnivorous diet, enriched with products derived from insects authorized for trade in the European Union, namely Acheta domesticus, Alphitobius diaperinus, Locusta migratoria and Tenebrio molitor. With this diet, we tried to understand whether the products could replace, at least partially, meat derived from conventional animals. Interesting results emerged from the study; In fact, insects contain high levels of good quality protein, given the presence of essential amino acids that are sometimes absent in conventional meat. The lipid profile is also remarkable, being composed of a significant share of saturated fatty acids, a factor that should not be underestimated if you want to draw up a healthy diet that can follow nutritional guidelines. Insects also show good amounts of iron and vitamin B12. It remains to be seen whether, by entirely replacing meat with these products, it is possible to follow a diet without running into situations of malnutrition, especially with regard to micronutrients. In fact, there are a number of antinutritional factors in insects that can bind certain micronutrients and make them unavailable for absorption in the human gastrointestinal tract. Studies on insects are constantly being updated, so in the future it will be possible to find out more about the nutritional impact they can provide to a diet.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |