Tesi etd-03212019-101631 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Nuovi dati sulla caratterizzazione del "sistema acquifero Baccatoio" (Versilia)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Giannecchini, Roberto
correlatore Prof. Petrini, Riccardo
correlatore Prof.ssa Bini, Monica
controrelatore Dott. Doveri, Marco
correlatore Prof. Petrini, Riccardo
correlatore Prof.ssa Bini, Monica
controrelatore Dott. Doveri, Marco
Parole chiave
- acque sotterranee
- ET ed EPT
- geochimica
- idrogeologia
- Torrente Baccatoio
- Versilia meridionale
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Questo lavoro di Tesi ha permesso di ottenere nuovi dati sulla caratterizzazione idrogeologica e idrogeochimica del “sistema Baccatoio” (Versilia meridionale) attraverso una ricostruzione litostratigrafica e nuovi campionamenti di acque sotterranee per analisi geochimiche. Come noto, il bacino del T. Baccatoio è piuttosto fragile per la presenza, nella parta collinare-montana, di un’importante area mineraria dismessa, che rilascia continuamente drenaggi acidi con elevate concentrazioni di elementi tossici (ET) e potenzialmente tossici (EPT) che si immettono nel sistema delle acque superficiali. Sulla base di queste problematiche ambientali, la conoscenza dell’assetto stratigrafico e idrogeologico del sottosuolo è il presupposto per la conoscenza e la gestione della risorsa idrica sotterranea, in quanto i depositi che costituiscono il materasso alluvionale del torrente possono fungere da vie preferenziali di infiltrazione di contaminanti, andando così ad alterare le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e di qualità del sistema acquifero. La caratterizzazione litostratigrafica è stata realizzata mediante la realizzazione di sei sezioni stratigrafiche utilizzando i dati stratigrafici disponibili. I risultati evidenziano un sistema acquifero abbastanza articolato, caratterizzato dalla presenza di due acquiferi principali, rappresentati da un orizzonte prevalentemente ghiaioso e da uno prevalentemente sabbioso, entrambi con una matrice fine, e da diversi orizzonti interpretabili come acquitardi e/o acquicludi, più o meno spessi, costituiti da depositi argillosi, limosi e/o torbosi, talvolta individuati come lenti in profondità o come orizzonti più continui in affioramento nella fascia intermedia della piana. In funzione dell’assetto idrogeologico, in alcuni casi gli acquiferi sono liberi, in altri confinati, ma si presuppone, sulla base dei dati al momento disponibili, una certa comunicazione idraulica. I nuovi campionamenti di acque del 23/04/2018 e 22/06/2018 effettuati in 22 pozzi (superficiali e profondi), da Valdicastello fino alla fascia intermedia della piana versiliese, hanno inoltre permesso di acquisire nuovi dati alla caratterizzazione geochimica delle acque sotterranee della zona. A tal fine, sono stati misurati in situ parametri chimico-fisici quali temperatura, pH, conducibilità elettrica (EC), ossigeno disciolto (DO) e potenziale di ossido-riduzione (Eh); in laboratorio sono stati determinati i principali anioni e cationi mediante cromatografia ionica (IC) e determinate le concentrazioni di una serie di elementi in traccia tramite analisi ICP-MS. Il chimismo degli ioni maggiori indica che le acque hanno generalmente una componente prevalente Ca-HCO3, localmente arricchita in solfato. I risultati delle analisi degli elementi in traccia hanno evidenziato un importante inquinamento da arsenico in quattro pozzi profondi (circa 20-40 m) situati nella fascia intermedia della pianura, con valori da 107 a 1103 µg/L, a fronte di una concentrazione limite per le acque sotterranee di 10 µg/L stabilita dalla normativa vigente (Tab. 2, All. 5, Parte IV del D.Lgs. 152/06). I dati geochimici indicano possibili fenomeni di mescolamento e complessi processi di scambio ionico limitatamente ad alcuni dei pozzi analizzati, e fenomeni di adsorbimento. L’andamento della concentrazione di elementi in traccia con chimica redox, in particolare arsenico e ferro, evidenziano possibili porzioni nell’acquifero caratterizzate da ambiente anossico e fenomeni di rilascio di Fe e As, e porzioni in cui sono attivi processi di precipitazione per condizioni ossidanti. L’insieme di queste osservazioni pone le premesse per un imprescindibile approfondimento di questo studio e per la pianificazione di azioni di monitoraggio della qualità delle acque sotterranee nell’area.
This thesis project made it possible to produce new data on the characterization hydrogeological and hydrogeochemistry of the "Baccatoio system" (Southern Versilia) through a lithostratigraphic reconstruction and new sampling of groundwater for geochemical analysis. As we know, the T. Baccatoio basin is pretty fragile due to the presence, in the hillside-upland area, of an important decommisioned mining area, which continuously releases acidic drains with high concentrations of toxic (ET) and potentially toxic (EPT) elements that gets into the surface water of the stream. Based on these environmental problems, knowing the stratigraphic and hydrogeological structure of the subsoil is the prerequisite for the knowledge and management of groundwater resources, as the deposits that make up the stream alluvial mattress can act as preferential routes for the ingress of contaminants, thus altering the chemical-physical characteristics and the quality of the aquifer system. The lithostratigraphic characterization was made by retrieving the available stratigraphic information, which allowed the implementation of six lithostratigraphic sections. The results highlight a quite articulated aquifer system, characterized by the presence of two main aquifers, represented by a predominantly gravelly horizon and a predominantly sandy one, both with a fine matrix, and from different horizons interpretable as aquitards and/or aquicludi, consisting of clayey, loamy and/or peaty deposits, sometimes identified as deep lenses or as more continuous horizons in outcrop of the intermediate zone of the plain. Depending on the hydrogeological structure, in some cases the aquifers are free, while they are confined in others, but it is assumed, based on the data available at the time, a certain hydraulic communication. The new water samples of 23/04/2018 and 22/06/2018 carried out in 22 wells (superficial and deep), from Valdicastello to the intermediary zone of the Versilia plain, have also allowed to get new data about the geochemical characterization of groundwater in the area. To this end, they were measured using chemical-physical parameters such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxidation-reduction potential (Eh); by ionic chromatography (IC), the main anions and cations were determined in the lab and by ICP-MS analysis also the concentrations of a series of trace elements have been determined. The chemism of the major ions indicates that the waters generally have a component of the Ca-HCO3 type locally enriched in sulphate. The results of the analysis of the trace elements have shown an important arsenic pollution in four deep wells (about 20-40 m), located in the middle part of the plain, with values from 107 to 1103 μg/L, considering the actual limit concentration for groundwater of 10 μg/L established by current legislation (Table 2, Annex 5, Part IV of Legislative Decree 152/06). Geochemical data indicate possible mixing phenomena and complex ion exchange processes limited to some of the analyzed wells, and also adsorption phenomena. The trend of the concentration of trace elements through redox chemistry, considering especially arsenic and iron, shows possible portions in the aquifer characterized by anoxic environment and phenomena of Fe and As release, and portions in which we can notice precipitation processes for oxidizing conditions. All these observations set the premises for an in-depth study of this study and for planning future actions to keep under control the quality of groundwater in the area.
This thesis project made it possible to produce new data on the characterization hydrogeological and hydrogeochemistry of the "Baccatoio system" (Southern Versilia) through a lithostratigraphic reconstruction and new sampling of groundwater for geochemical analysis. As we know, the T. Baccatoio basin is pretty fragile due to the presence, in the hillside-upland area, of an important decommisioned mining area, which continuously releases acidic drains with high concentrations of toxic (ET) and potentially toxic (EPT) elements that gets into the surface water of the stream. Based on these environmental problems, knowing the stratigraphic and hydrogeological structure of the subsoil is the prerequisite for the knowledge and management of groundwater resources, as the deposits that make up the stream alluvial mattress can act as preferential routes for the ingress of contaminants, thus altering the chemical-physical characteristics and the quality of the aquifer system. The lithostratigraphic characterization was made by retrieving the available stratigraphic information, which allowed the implementation of six lithostratigraphic sections. The results highlight a quite articulated aquifer system, characterized by the presence of two main aquifers, represented by a predominantly gravelly horizon and a predominantly sandy one, both with a fine matrix, and from different horizons interpretable as aquitards and/or aquicludi, consisting of clayey, loamy and/or peaty deposits, sometimes identified as deep lenses or as more continuous horizons in outcrop of the intermediate zone of the plain. Depending on the hydrogeological structure, in some cases the aquifers are free, while they are confined in others, but it is assumed, based on the data available at the time, a certain hydraulic communication. The new water samples of 23/04/2018 and 22/06/2018 carried out in 22 wells (superficial and deep), from Valdicastello to the intermediary zone of the Versilia plain, have also allowed to get new data about the geochemical characterization of groundwater in the area. To this end, they were measured using chemical-physical parameters such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxidation-reduction potential (Eh); by ionic chromatography (IC), the main anions and cations were determined in the lab and by ICP-MS analysis also the concentrations of a series of trace elements have been determined. The chemism of the major ions indicates that the waters generally have a component of the Ca-HCO3 type locally enriched in sulphate. The results of the analysis of the trace elements have shown an important arsenic pollution in four deep wells (about 20-40 m), located in the middle part of the plain, with values from 107 to 1103 μg/L, considering the actual limit concentration for groundwater of 10 μg/L established by current legislation (Table 2, Annex 5, Part IV of Legislative Decree 152/06). Geochemical data indicate possible mixing phenomena and complex ion exchange processes limited to some of the analyzed wells, and also adsorption phenomena. The trend of the concentration of trace elements through redox chemistry, considering especially arsenic and iron, shows possible portions in the aquifer characterized by anoxic environment and phenomena of Fe and As release, and portions in which we can notice precipitation processes for oxidizing conditions. All these observations set the premises for an in-depth study of this study and for planning future actions to keep under control the quality of groundwater in the area.
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Tesi non consultabile. |