Tesi etd-03212013-112513 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica LC5
Criptorchidectomia con tecnica classica nel cavallo: studio retrospettivo di 67 casi
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Vannozzi, Iacopo
correlatore Dott. Ricardi, Giorgio
controrelatore Prof.ssa Rota, Alessandra
correlatore Dott. Ricardi, Giorgio
controrelatore Prof.ssa Rota, Alessandra
Parole chiave
- castrazione
- cavallo
- chirurgia
- criptorchidectomia
- criptorchidismo
- testicolo
Data inizio appello
Data di rilascio
Il criptorchidismo, o mancata discesa di uno o entrambi i testicoli nello scroto, è un difetto di sviluppo di comune riscontro nel cavallo; può essere classificato, in funzione della localizzazione degli organi ritenuti, in inguinale o addominale, completo o incompleto. La valutazione di un soggetto criptorchide prevede un accurato esame clinico, completo di palpazione, ispezione rettale ed eventualmente esame ecografico; in soggetti con anamnesi dubbia o sconosciuta e comportamento da maschio intero è necessaria la titolazione dei livelli plasmatici di testosterone e o estrogeni per identificare la presenza di tessuto testicolare. La castrazione di soggetti criptorchidi viene eseguita attraverso tecniche chirurgiche convenzionali o con tecnica laparoscopica. In questo studio retrospettivo sono stati valutati i dati di 67 soggetti sottoposti a criptorchidectomia utilizzando un approccio inguinale mininvasivo. Sono stati valutati la distribuzione di razza, età, localizzazione del testicolo ritenuto, tecnica e durata dell'intervento chirurgico, durata delle terapie perioperatorie, durata dell'ospedalizzazione, eventuali complicazioni. Dei 67 soggetti, 31 erano Quarter Horse 18 mezzosangue, 18 altre razze; l'età era compresa fra 18 mesi e 5 anni. 62 soggetti erano criptorchidi monolaterali e 5 bilaterali. In 38 casi il testicolo ritenuto era a sinistra, in 34 a destra. 31 testicoli erano inguinali, 26 addominali completi, 15 addominali incompleti. Tutti i testicoli ritenuti sono stati trovati ed asportati. In 8 casi è stato necessario ricorrere ad un approccio più invasivo. La durata dell'anestesia generale variava tra 60 e 130 min. L'ospedalizzazione variava tra 1 giorno e 5 giorni. Non si sono verificate complicazioni perioperatorie. In questa serie, la criptorchidectomia tradizionale con approccio inguinale si è rivelata una tecnica efficace e con morbidità e mortalità perioperatoria molto bassa.
Cryptorchidism, or failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum, is a common developmental defect in horses. The undescended testis can be classified according to the location of the retained organs, inguinal or abdominal, complete or incomplete. The evaluation of a cryptorchid horse consists of a thorough clinical examination, including physical exam, rectal palpation and possibly ultrasonography; in subjects with a questionable history and stallion-like behaviour, plasmatic levels of testosterone or estrogen in order to identify testicular tissue. Cryptorchidectomy is performed with conventional surgical techniques or with laparoscopic techniques. In the present retrospective study, data of 67 individuals that underwent cryptorchidectomy by means of a non invasive traditional inguinal approach were reviewed. The distribution of breed, age, localization of the undescended testis, technique and duration of the surgery, duration of perioperative treatment, duration of hospitalization and complications were evaluated. There were 31 Quarter Horses, 18 Warmbloods, 18 various breeds. Age range was 18 months - 5 years. 62 individuals were unilateral cryptorchids and 5 bilateral. The left testis was retained in 38 cases, the right testis in 34 cases. 31 testes were inguinal, 26 complete abdominal, 15 incomplete abdominal. All undescended testes were found and removed. In 8 cases, it was necessary to use a more invasive approach . The duration of general anesthesia ranged between 60 and 130 min. Hospitalization ranged between 1 and 5 days. There were no perioperative complications. In this series, traditional cryptorchidectomy with inguinal approach proved to be an effective technique with very low perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Cryptorchidism, or failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum, is a common developmental defect in horses. The undescended testis can be classified according to the location of the retained organs, inguinal or abdominal, complete or incomplete. The evaluation of a cryptorchid horse consists of a thorough clinical examination, including physical exam, rectal palpation and possibly ultrasonography; in subjects with a questionable history and stallion-like behaviour, plasmatic levels of testosterone or estrogen in order to identify testicular tissue. Cryptorchidectomy is performed with conventional surgical techniques or with laparoscopic techniques. In the present retrospective study, data of 67 individuals that underwent cryptorchidectomy by means of a non invasive traditional inguinal approach were reviewed. The distribution of breed, age, localization of the undescended testis, technique and duration of the surgery, duration of perioperative treatment, duration of hospitalization and complications were evaluated. There were 31 Quarter Horses, 18 Warmbloods, 18 various breeds. Age range was 18 months - 5 years. 62 individuals were unilateral cryptorchids and 5 bilateral. The left testis was retained in 38 cases, the right testis in 34 cases. 31 testes were inguinal, 26 complete abdominal, 15 incomplete abdominal. All undescended testes were found and removed. In 8 cases, it was necessary to use a more invasive approach . The duration of general anesthesia ranged between 60 and 130 min. Hospitalization ranged between 1 and 5 days. There were no perioperative complications. In this series, traditional cryptorchidectomy with inguinal approach proved to be an effective technique with very low perioperative morbidity and mortality.
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