Tesi etd-03192020-135611 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Assessment of protein reconstitution parameters in artificial membranes: study of energy-transducing enzymes
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Raffa, Vittoria
Parole chiave
- ATP sintasi (ATP synthase)
- biologia sintetica (synthetic biology)
- bo3 ossidasi (bo3 oxidase)
- detergenti (detergents)
- ibridi (hybrids)
- liposomi (liposomes)
- mitocondrio artificiale (artificial mitochondrion)
- orientamento delle proteine (protein orientation)
- polimersomi (polymersomes)
- ricostitutione proteica (protein reconstitution)
- vescicole (vesicles)
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
In questo progetto vengono caratterizzati alcuni parametri concernenti la ricostituzione di proteine della trasduzione energetica in membrane artificiali, al fine di studiare un modulo energetico di biologia sintetica realizzato con approccio di tipo bottom-up. Le proteine bo3 ubichinolo ossidasi e la proteina ATP sintasi vengono recostituite in liposomi, polimersomi e vescicole ibride utilizzando 5 diversi detergenti. Viene testata l'impermeabilità ai protoni di tutti i tipi di proteovescicole, e successivamente vengono determinate l'efficienza di ricostituzione e l'orientamento nelle membrane artificiali delle proteine bo3 ubichinolo ossidasi e ATP sintasi. Lo studio dell'impermeabilità ai protoni, dell'efficienza di ricostituzione e dell'orientamento delle proteine avviene tramite monitoraggio di parametri quali il consumo di ossigeno, i livelli di assorbanza e saggi di fluorescenza.
In this project, parameters involving the reconstitution of energy-transducing proteins into artificial membranes have been assessed, in order to better define an energetic module developed with a bottom-up synthetic biology approach. Proteins bo3 ubiquinol oxidase and ATP synthase have been reconstituted into liposomes, polymersomes and hybrid vesicles using 5 different detergents. To begin with, we studied proton tightness of all proteovesicle types; subsequently, reconstitution efficiency and protein orientation into the artificial membranes were investigated. The study of proton tightness, reconstitution efficiency and protein orientation were carried out using assays monitoring oxygen consumption, absorbance levels and fluorescence.
In this project, parameters involving the reconstitution of energy-transducing proteins into artificial membranes have been assessed, in order to better define an energetic module developed with a bottom-up synthetic biology approach. Proteins bo3 ubiquinol oxidase and ATP synthase have been reconstituted into liposomes, polymersomes and hybrid vesicles using 5 different detergents. To begin with, we studied proton tightness of all proteovesicle types; subsequently, reconstitution efficiency and protein orientation into the artificial membranes were investigated. The study of proton tightness, reconstitution efficiency and protein orientation were carried out using assays monitoring oxygen consumption, absorbance levels and fluorescence.
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Tesi non consultabile. |