Tesi etd-03182024-185301 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Messa a punto di un modello di differenziamento adipocitario in cellule 3T3-L1 mediante l'attivazione del processo di browning (differenziamento de novo)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Martelli, Alma
relatore Dott.ssa Pellegrini, Carolina
correlatore Flori, Lorenzo
relatore Dott.ssa Pellegrini, Carolina
correlatore Flori, Lorenzo
Parole chiave
- adipocyte phenotype
- browning
- deposito lipidico
- fenotipo adipocitario
- Isoproterenol
- Isoproterenolo
- lipid deposition
- Rosiglitazone
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il tessuto adiposo svolge sia funzione di deposito lipidico che di organo endocrino. Si possono identificare differenti fenotipi tra i quali il tessuto adiposo bianco, con conformazione uniloculare, il tessuto adiposo bruno, multiloculare e con attività termogenica, e il tessuto adiposo beige, con caratteri intermedi. L’attività termogenica consiste nella conversione dell’energia dei lipidi degli adipociti in calore. Uno dei recenti interessi nei confronti del tessuto adiposo riguarda il fenomeno di browning, che vede la differenziazione di cellule progenitrici (differenziamento de novo) o adipociti bianchi (transdifferenziamento) in adipociti beige in seguito a stimoli differenti. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è definire un protocollo di differenziamento da preadipocita a adipocita bianco maturo e in seguito valutare l’intervento di due molecole farmacologicamente attive, il rosiglitazone e l’isoproterenolo, per definire il loro potenziale di modulare il processo di browning che permetta di osservare un differenziamento da preadipocita a adipocita maturo beige. A lungo termine la conoscenza di molecole in grado di attivare il processo di browning ha lo scopo di gestire una patologia ampiamente diffusa e difficilmente risolta, l’obesità, che porta con sé numerose comorbidità come il diabete e patologie cardiovascolari. Alla base di questa affermazione sta il fatto che nei soggetti obesi si assiste ad un a significativa diminuzione del fenotipo adipocitario termogenicamente attivo. In quest’ottica l’induzione del processo di browning potrebbe rappresentare un’interessante ed innovativa strategia terapeutica.
Adipose tissue serves both as a lipid depot and an endocrine organ. Different phenotypes can be identified including white adipose tissue, with unilocular conformation, brown adipose tissue, multilocular and with thermogenic activity, and beige adipose tissue, with intermediate characters. Thermogenic activity involves the conversion of energy from adipocyte lipids into heat. One of the recent interests in adipose tissue concerns the browning phenomenon, which sees the differentiation of progenitor cells (de novo differentiation) or white adipocytes (transdifferentiation) into beige adipocytes following different stimuli. The purpose of this dissertation work is to define a protocol for preadipocyte to mature white adipocyte differentiation and subsequently evaluate the intervention of two pharmacologically active molecules, rosiglitazone and isoproterenol, to define their potential to modulate the browning process that would allow the observation of preadipocyte to mature beige adipocyte differentiation. In the long term, the knowledge of molecules capable of activating the browning process is intended to manage a widely spread and difficult-to-resolve disease, obesity, which brings with it numerous comorbidities such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Underlying this claim is the fact that in obese subjects there is a significant decrease in the thermogenically active adipocyte phenotype. From this perspective, induction of the browning process could be an interesting and innovative therapeutic strategy.
Adipose tissue serves both as a lipid depot and an endocrine organ. Different phenotypes can be identified including white adipose tissue, with unilocular conformation, brown adipose tissue, multilocular and with thermogenic activity, and beige adipose tissue, with intermediate characters. Thermogenic activity involves the conversion of energy from adipocyte lipids into heat. One of the recent interests in adipose tissue concerns the browning phenomenon, which sees the differentiation of progenitor cells (de novo differentiation) or white adipocytes (transdifferentiation) into beige adipocytes following different stimuli. The purpose of this dissertation work is to define a protocol for preadipocyte to mature white adipocyte differentiation and subsequently evaluate the intervention of two pharmacologically active molecules, rosiglitazone and isoproterenol, to define their potential to modulate the browning process that would allow the observation of preadipocyte to mature beige adipocyte differentiation. In the long term, the knowledge of molecules capable of activating the browning process is intended to manage a widely spread and difficult-to-resolve disease, obesity, which brings with it numerous comorbidities such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Underlying this claim is the fact that in obese subjects there is a significant decrease in the thermogenically active adipocyte phenotype. From this perspective, induction of the browning process could be an interesting and innovative therapeutic strategy.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |