Tesi etd-03152010-175633 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Indagini preliminari sul comportamento aerodinamico di un'ala obliqua mediante CFD
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Maganzi, Marco
relatore Prof. Lombardi, Giovanni
relatore Prof. Lombardi, Giovanni
Parole chiave
- ala obliqua
- cfd
- skewed wing
- slewed wing
- subsonico
Data inizio appello
Data di rilascio
Il concetto di ala obliqua non è nuovo essendo stato introdotto dai progettisti tedeschi durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Era il periodo in cui ci si avvicinava per la prima volta a velocità prossime a quella del suono e si manifestavano i primi fenomeni legati alle onde d’urto. Fin da allora apparivano evidenti i numerosi vantaggi legati a questa particolare architettura, sia aerodinamici (innalzamento del Mach critico, diminuzione della resistenza d’onda) che strutturali (maggiore leggerezza rispetto ad un’ala a freccia tradizionale). Nonostante ciò il particolare comportamento aerodinamico e le caratteristiche aeromeccaniche fortemente accoppiate ne hanno impedito ogni sviluppo concreto. Oggi grazie agli enormi progressi fatti dall’elettronica ed ai sistemi di controllo del volo “Fly by wire” l’applicazione pratica dell’ala obliqua è oggetto di un rinnovato interesse. Le potenze di calcolo raggiunte dai moderni elaboratori, impensabili fino a qualche anno fa, hanno permesso di ridurre sensibilmente i tempi di calcolo consentendo di ottenere soluzioni notevolmente precise anche per elevati numeri di Reynolds. Il presente lavoro si propone di studiare il comportamento aerodinamico di un’ ala obliqua a diverse incidenze in un flusso subsonico mediante il programma STAR-CCM+. E' stato realizzato il modello geometrico tramite software CAD, basandosi su lavori precedenti per quanto riguarda la scelta dei parametri caratteristici dell'ala (svergolamento, freccia, tipo di profilo ecc). La prima parte delle prove ha riguardato il comportamento dell'ala in configurazione pulita, ovvero senza l’utilizzo delle superfici di controllo: è stata ricavata la polare e sono stati calcolati i principali coefficienti aerodinamici, si è inoltre analizzato il comportamento allo stallo. Quindi si è affrontato il caso con le superfici di controllo attive: queste sono montate sulla parte esterna delle due semiali e fungono sia da alettoni che da elevatori. In definitiva le simulazioni effettuate hanno permesso di caratterizzare in maniera globale il comportamento dell'ala nel campo delle velocità subsoniche ai diversi angoli di attacco ed i principali effetti delle superfici di controllo sull'equilibrio sia nel piano longitudinale che in quello latero-direzionale.
The oblique wing concept is not new having been introduced by German designers during the Second world war. It was the period of the first approaches to the speed of sound and it appeared clear the first phenomena associated with the shock waves. Since then seemed obvious the several advantages connected with this unique architecture, both aerodynamic (raising the critical Mach number, reduction in wave drag) and structural (lighter than conventional swept wing). Despite this, the particular aerodynamic behavior and the aeromechanic characteristics strongly coupled have prevented any concrete development of this concept. Today thanks to the enormous progress made by electronics and "Fly by wire" control systems the practical application of oblique wing is the subject of renewed interest. The computing power achieved by modern computers, unthinkable until few years ago, have allowed to significantly reduce the calculation time permitting to obtain considerably accurate solutions also for high Reynolds numbers. The present work aims to study the aerodynamic behavior of an oblique wing at several angles of attack in subsonic flow through the STAR-CCM+ software. Geometric model was created using CAD software and referring to previous work regarding the choice of the characteristic parameters of the wing (twist, angle of sweep, type of profile etc). The first part of the tests covered the behavior of wing in clean configuration, ie without the use of control surfaces: was obtained the polar curve and major aerodynamics coefficients; has also analyzed the behavior to stall. Then it was discussed the instance with active the control surfaces: these are mounted at the outside of the two wings and can act as ailerons as well as elevators. Finally simulations have allowed to characterize in a comprehensive manner the behavior of the wing in the field of subsonic speeds at different angles of attack and the main effects of the control surfaces on the balance in both longitudinal and lateral planes.
The oblique wing concept is not new having been introduced by German designers during the Second world war. It was the period of the first approaches to the speed of sound and it appeared clear the first phenomena associated with the shock waves. Since then seemed obvious the several advantages connected with this unique architecture, both aerodynamic (raising the critical Mach number, reduction in wave drag) and structural (lighter than conventional swept wing). Despite this, the particular aerodynamic behavior and the aeromechanic characteristics strongly coupled have prevented any concrete development of this concept. Today thanks to the enormous progress made by electronics and "Fly by wire" control systems the practical application of oblique wing is the subject of renewed interest. The computing power achieved by modern computers, unthinkable until few years ago, have allowed to significantly reduce the calculation time permitting to obtain considerably accurate solutions also for high Reynolds numbers. The present work aims to study the aerodynamic behavior of an oblique wing at several angles of attack in subsonic flow through the STAR-CCM+ software. Geometric model was created using CAD software and referring to previous work regarding the choice of the characteristic parameters of the wing (twist, angle of sweep, type of profile etc). The first part of the tests covered the behavior of wing in clean configuration, ie without the use of control surfaces: was obtained the polar curve and major aerodynamics coefficients; has also analyzed the behavior to stall. Then it was discussed the instance with active the control surfaces: these are mounted at the outside of the two wings and can act as ailerons as well as elevators. Finally simulations have allowed to characterize in a comprehensive manner the behavior of the wing in the field of subsonic speeds at different angles of attack and the main effects of the control surfaces on the balance in both longitudinal and lateral planes.
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