Tesi etd-03082023-120144 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Il Palazzo de La Calahorra e il Codice Escurialense:
Fortuna delle grottesche nel primo Cinquecento
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Farinella, Vincenzo
correlatore Prof.ssa Maffei, Sonia
correlatore Prof.ssa Maffei, Sonia
Parole chiave
- Codex Escurialensis
- Codice Escurialense
- early XVI century
- grotesques
- grottesche
- Palace of La Calahorra
- Palazzo de La Calahorra
- primo Cinquecento
- Renaissance
- Rinascimento
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L’elaborato si propone di dimostrare l’arrivo dell’album di disegni chiamato Codice Escurialense in Spagna nell’anno 1500 per opera del nobile Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza (1473-1523), I marchese del Cenete. Basandosi su una nuova interpretazione della documentazione conservata presso l’archivio della nobiltà di Toledo, relativa al primo viaggio del marchese in Italia (1498-1500), e al processo da lui sùbito a Frascati (1504-06), si ipotizzano il luogo e la data di acquisto dell’album-souvenir. Si ricostruisce poi la storia del Palazzo de La Calahorra tra il 1490 e il 1512, soffermandosi sulle varie fasi della progettazione architettonica, sugli architetti coinvolti, e sulle ambizioni dei due committenti, prima il Gran Cardinale Pedro González de Mendoza, poi il figlio Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza. Si evidenziano, per la prima volta, le analogie architettoniche tra il cortile de La Calahorra e i cortili dei Palazzi Bottigella e Carminali-Bottigella di Pavia progettati da Amadeo. Si descrivono le precise corrispondenze tra i motivi a grottesca dei fogli di disegni del Codice Escurialense e le decorazioni scultoree de La Calahorra. Si dà nuova luce alle annotazioni della seconda mano presenti nel Codice, tentando di ipotizzarne l’autore e le ragioni che lo spingono a realizzarle. Sulla base della ricerca condotta, si conclude che le grottesche scultoree di primo Cinquecento de La Calahorra costituiscono il primo ciclo iconografico rinascimentale a grottesche della Spagna.
The elaborate aims to demonstrate the arrival of the album of drawings called Codex Escurialensis in Spain in the year 1500 by the noble Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza (1473-1523), I Marquis of Cenete. Based on a new interpretation of the documentation preserved in the archives of the nobility of Toledo, relating to the first journey of the Marquis in Italy (1498-1500), and the process undergone by himself at Frascati (1504-06), the place and date of purchase of the album-souvenir are hypothesized. The history of the Palace of La Calahorra between 1490 and 1512 is then reconstructed, focusing on the various phases of the architectural design, on the architects involved, and on the ambitions of the two clients, first the Grand Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza, then his son Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza. For the first time, the architectural similarities between the courtyard of La Calahorra and the courtyards of the Bottigella and Carminali-Bottigella palaces in Pavia designed by Amadeo are highlighted. The precise correspondences between the grotesque motifs of the drawing sheets of the Codex Escurialensis and the sculptural decorations of La Calahorra are described. New light is shed on the second-hand annotations present in the Codex, attempting to hypothesize the author and the reasons that drive him to create them. On the basis of the research carried out, it is concluded that the sculptural grotesques of the early sixteenth century of La Calahorra constitute the first iconographic cycle with grotesques of the Renaissance in Spain.
The elaborate aims to demonstrate the arrival of the album of drawings called Codex Escurialensis in Spain in the year 1500 by the noble Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza (1473-1523), I Marquis of Cenete. Based on a new interpretation of the documentation preserved in the archives of the nobility of Toledo, relating to the first journey of the Marquis in Italy (1498-1500), and the process undergone by himself at Frascati (1504-06), the place and date of purchase of the album-souvenir are hypothesized. The history of the Palace of La Calahorra between 1490 and 1512 is then reconstructed, focusing on the various phases of the architectural design, on the architects involved, and on the ambitions of the two clients, first the Grand Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza, then his son Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza. For the first time, the architectural similarities between the courtyard of La Calahorra and the courtyards of the Bottigella and Carminali-Bottigella palaces in Pavia designed by Amadeo are highlighted. The precise correspondences between the grotesque motifs of the drawing sheets of the Codex Escurialensis and the sculptural decorations of La Calahorra are described. New light is shed on the second-hand annotations present in the Codex, attempting to hypothesize the author and the reasons that drive him to create them. On the basis of the research carried out, it is concluded that the sculptural grotesques of the early sixteenth century of La Calahorra constitute the first iconographic cycle with grotesques of the Renaissance in Spain.
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Tesi non consultabile. |