Tesi etd-03042014-134304 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Mythe et objet chez Walter Benjamin
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Prof. Iacono, Alfonso Maurizio
Parole chiave
- coscienza collettiva
- esperienza
- immaginario sociale
- linguaggio
- mito
- mitologia
- percezione
- simbolo
Data inizio appello
Questo lavoro propone un'analisi della reflessione di Walter Benjamin sul mito adottando un punto di vista molto particolare : gli oggetti. Nascosti, dimenticati, perduti, sognati gli oggetti conservano in loro le tracce del passato, ma anche le paure, i desideri, i fatasmi dell'immaginario collettivo e individuale. Attraverso una lettura dei suoi scritti giovanili, in particolare « Sul linguaggio in generale e sul linguaggio dell'uomo » e i frammenti sulla percezione, questo studio mette in luce il legame tra la parola e le cose sul quale Benjamin fonda la possibilità d'una interazione tra l'immaginario e il mondo della materia. Ricettacoli d'immagini e di simboli, gli oggetti non solo mettono in moto un processo di memoria, ma essi evocano anche una forma originaria – più felice, scrive Benjamin - della percezione della realtà. Nel suo tentativo di fondare une forma superiore dell'esperienza, höherer Erfahrung, che non escluda lo spirituale, il problema del mito si rivela dunque una questione imprescindibile. Sfuggenti, i simboli che alimentano la mitologia collettiva mostrano la ricchezza e allo stesso tempo il rischio per la conoscenza di aprirsi a una dimensione che sfiora l'irrazionale. D'altra parte, questo lavoro vuol mettere in evidenza l'importanza della riflessione di Benjamin all'interno del dibattito in atto nei primi anni del '900 in Germania e in Francia sugli aspetti antropologici, sociologici e psicologici del mito.
This thesis presents an analyse of Walter Benjamin's reflection on myth from a very special point of view : things. Hidden, forgotten, lost, dreamed, objects contain traces of the past, but also fears, wishes and fantasies that have haunted (and are haunting) collective and individual imagination. Based on his early writings, more particurarly "On language in general and human language" and the fragments of perception, this study brought out the connection between word and thing on which Benjamin based the possibility of an interaction between the imagination and the inanimate's materials. Receptacles of images and symbols, objects don't trigger off only the process of recollection, but they also evoke an original perception of reality - happier, said Benjamin. The question of myth cannot be ignored, in his attempt to define a new form of experience, höherer Erfahrung, which would be able to integrate the spiritual. Elusive elements, the symbols that flow into the collective mythology indicate the fullness as well as the danger for knowledge to open up to a dimension that borders the irrational. Finally, this work seeks to bring back Benjamin's work in his rightful position in the debate on the anthropological, psychological and sociological aspects of myth that appeared in the inter-war period between Germany and France.
This thesis presents an analyse of Walter Benjamin's reflection on myth from a very special point of view : things. Hidden, forgotten, lost, dreamed, objects contain traces of the past, but also fears, wishes and fantasies that have haunted (and are haunting) collective and individual imagination. Based on his early writings, more particurarly "On language in general and human language" and the fragments of perception, this study brought out the connection between word and thing on which Benjamin based the possibility of an interaction between the imagination and the inanimate's materials. Receptacles of images and symbols, objects don't trigger off only the process of recollection, but they also evoke an original perception of reality - happier, said Benjamin. The question of myth cannot be ignored, in his attempt to define a new form of experience, höherer Erfahrung, which would be able to integrate the spiritual. Elusive elements, the symbols that flow into the collective mythology indicate the fullness as well as the danger for knowledge to open up to a dimension that borders the irrational. Finally, this work seeks to bring back Benjamin's work in his rightful position in the debate on the anthropological, psychological and sociological aspects of myth that appeared in the inter-war period between Germany and France.
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