Tesi etd-02192013-101813 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica LC5
Aggregata ed altri patogeni in Octopus vulgaris
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Perrucci, Stefania
correlatore Dott.ssa Susini, Francesca
controrelatore Dott. Fronte, Baldassare
correlatore Dott.ssa Susini, Francesca
controrelatore Dott. Fronte, Baldassare
Parole chiave
- aggregata octopiana
- batteri
- octopus vulgaris
- parassiti
- virus
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Nonostante l’importanza commerciale del polpo, legata anche alle sue potenzialità come specie innovativa per l’acquacoltura, in letteratura sono disponibili pochi dati sulle patologie che colpiscono questo cefalopode. Pertanto, nel periodo compreso tra Maggio 2011 e Dicembre 2012, nel presente studio sono stati esaminati 18 esemplari deceduti di polpo comune, Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797), comprendenti adulti e subadulti sia liberi che allevati. Sono stati inoltre esaminati campioni di uova e di paralarve ottenute da polpi adulti allevati. Su questi animali sono state eseguite analisi macroscopiche e condotte indagini parassitologiche, batteriologiche e virologiche. Negli animali risultati positivi alle analisi parassitologiche, sono state eseguite anche indagini istopatologiche finalizzate a valutare la morfologia dei parassiti isolati e le lesioni da essi causate nei diversi organi. Dagli adulti e dai subadulti sono stati isolati i seguenti agenti patogeni: Aggregata octopiana, Vibrio algynoliticus, Vibrio splendidus, Streptococcaceae, Betanodavirus e diversi stadi del ciclo biologico di parassiti appartenenti alla famiglia Dicyemidae. Nei polpi adulti e subadulti, la presenza di A. octopiana e dei Dicyemidi è stata riscontrata in tutti gli esemplari esaminati. Dalle paralarve sono stati isolati embrioni infusoriformi di Dicyemidi, Streptococcaceae e Betanodavirus. Le uova sono invece risultate negative a tutti gli esami. Nel caso di Vibrio splendidus e dei Betanodavirus si tratta della prima segnalazione in O. vulgaris. In tutti i soggetti infetti, le analisi istologiche hanno evidenziato che la spirale del cieco e l’intestino rappresentano i siti elettivi di A. octopiana. In queste sedi, nello spessore della sottomucosa, della muscolaris e della sierosa, è stata riscontrata la presenza sia di cisti del ciclo sporogonico del parassita, che di cisti relative al ciclo gametogonico e contenenti macro e microgameti a vari stadi di sviluppo. All’esame istopatologico, le pliche della mucosa sono risultate frequentemente ispessite a causa della presenza di numerose oocisti capsulate contenenti sporoblasti o sporocisti mature. A carico degli stadi sporogonici, nelle porzioni più profonde della parete, si nota anche una forte reazione di tipo fibro-connettivale con infiltrato emocitario. Nelle aree massivamente parassitate, inoltre, si osservano quadri di scollamento e sfaldamento epiteliale con abbondante perdita di epitelio intestinale nel lume dell’organo, associati a compressione, necrosi e atrofia dei microvilli. Nei soggetti gravemente interessati dall’infezione è stato dimostrato anche l’interessamento di altri organi come esofago, mesentere della ghiandola digestiva e della gonade, mantello e branchie, in cui sono stati evidenziati stadi appartenenti al ciclo sporogonico di A. octopiana.
Parole chiave: Octopus vulgaris, parassiti, batteri, virus, Aggregata octopiana
Abstract: Despite the commercial importance of octopus, also related to its potential as an innovative species for aquaculture, few data are available on diseases that affect this animal. Therefore, in the period between May 2011 and December 2012, in the present study 18 deceased specimens of common octopus, Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797), including adults and sub-adults, both free and reared, were examined. Samples of eggs and paralarve obtained from reared adults were also included in the study. These animals were examined for gross pathology and by parasitological, bacteriological and virological analysis. On animals resulted positive for parasites, histo-pathological analysis aimed to evaluate presence and morphology of isolated parasites in the different organs and the related lesions, were also carried out. Adults and subadults resulted infected by Aggregata octopiana, several stages of the life cycle of parasites belonging to the family Dicyemidae, Vibrio algynoliticus, Vibrio splendidus, Streptococcaceae and Betanodavirus. A. octopiana and Dicyemids were found in all examined adult and subadult specimens. From paralarve, Streptococcaceae, Betanodavirus and Dicyemid infusoriform embryos, were isolated. Eggs resulted negative. This study is the first report of Vibrio splendidus and of Betanodavirus in O. vulgaris. In all infected subjects, histological analysis showed that the spiral of the caecum and the intestine represent the elective infection sites of A. octopiana. Indeed, in the mucosa, the muscularis and the serosa of these organs, cysts relative to the sporogony and the gametogony of this parasite were present. The latter cysts contained macro and microgametes at various stages of development. At histopathology, a thickening of the mucosa due to the presence of a large number of capsulated oocysts containing sporoblasts or mature sporocysts was frequently observed. In deeper portions of the intestinal wall infected by sporogonial stages, extensive connective tissue proliferation and hemocytic infiltration, was evidenced. In heavily infected areas, epithelial detachment and exfoliation, with abundant loss of intestinal epithelium into the lumen associated with necrosis and atrophy of microvilli, were also observed. In severely infected animals, stages belonging to the sporogonial cycle were found also in other organs such as esophagus, mantle, gills and mesentery of the digestive gland and of the gonads.
Key words: Octopus vulgaris, parasites, bacteria, virus, Aggregata octopiana
Parole chiave: Octopus vulgaris, parassiti, batteri, virus, Aggregata octopiana
Abstract: Despite the commercial importance of octopus, also related to its potential as an innovative species for aquaculture, few data are available on diseases that affect this animal. Therefore, in the period between May 2011 and December 2012, in the present study 18 deceased specimens of common octopus, Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797), including adults and sub-adults, both free and reared, were examined. Samples of eggs and paralarve obtained from reared adults were also included in the study. These animals were examined for gross pathology and by parasitological, bacteriological and virological analysis. On animals resulted positive for parasites, histo-pathological analysis aimed to evaluate presence and morphology of isolated parasites in the different organs and the related lesions, were also carried out. Adults and subadults resulted infected by Aggregata octopiana, several stages of the life cycle of parasites belonging to the family Dicyemidae, Vibrio algynoliticus, Vibrio splendidus, Streptococcaceae and Betanodavirus. A. octopiana and Dicyemids were found in all examined adult and subadult specimens. From paralarve, Streptococcaceae, Betanodavirus and Dicyemid infusoriform embryos, were isolated. Eggs resulted negative. This study is the first report of Vibrio splendidus and of Betanodavirus in O. vulgaris. In all infected subjects, histological analysis showed that the spiral of the caecum and the intestine represent the elective infection sites of A. octopiana. Indeed, in the mucosa, the muscularis and the serosa of these organs, cysts relative to the sporogony and the gametogony of this parasite were present. The latter cysts contained macro and microgametes at various stages of development. At histopathology, a thickening of the mucosa due to the presence of a large number of capsulated oocysts containing sporoblasts or mature sporocysts was frequently observed. In deeper portions of the intestinal wall infected by sporogonial stages, extensive connective tissue proliferation and hemocytic infiltration, was evidenced. In heavily infected areas, epithelial detachment and exfoliation, with abundant loss of intestinal epithelium into the lumen associated with necrosis and atrophy of microvilli, were also observed. In severely infected animals, stages belonging to the sporogonial cycle were found also in other organs such as esophagus, mantle, gills and mesentery of the digestive gland and of the gonads.
Key words: Octopus vulgaris, parasites, bacteria, virus, Aggregata octopiana
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