Tesi etd-02182010-112010 |
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Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Active compounds and biological activity from Mediterranean maquis plants
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Prof.ssa Pistelli, Luisa
relatore Prof.ssa Usai, Marianna
relatore Prof.ssa Usai, Marianna
Parole chiave
- biological activity
- phytochemical characterization
- santolina
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
During PhD programme, I have focused my research on a Sardinian endemic plant, called Santolina insularis, and on a Sardinian-Corsican endemic variety, called Santolina corsica. They both belong to Asteraceae family and to same genus; Sardinian plants are often endemic and were traditionally used as medicinal herbs. I chose santolina insularis, which used as an antielmintic drug for kids and to cure crippled sheep, because literature is relatively scarse in the matter, both on its chemical characterization and on its potential biological activity. From what reported in ethno botany, this plant has biologically active molecules, with anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic effects. The analysis started with an areale distribution assessment of the plant, which is not common in the island, and different locations were found. 4 sampling stations were chosen for s. insularis (Marganai, Buggerru, Bruncu Spina and Genna Silana) and one for S. corsica, as it only grows on Monte Albo within the Sardinia territory. The stations all show different altitudes and sub-strata. As a result, different chemical compositions were particularly interesting to be observed. Sampling was performed in two different periods, namely pre-blooming and blooming phases; essential oils were extracted from fresh matter, after the separation of the flower-head from the leaves. A continuous extraction was performed on the dry matter, using solvents with different polarity in a Sohxlet device, in order to separate different kinds of components. Relevant fatty acids, hydrocarbons and sterols were therefore obtained. Essential oils were analyzed through Gas Chromatography analysis and a chemical profile was issued for all samples, in all stations, for both sampling periods. Thanks to their differences, a simple GC/MS analysis can tell us where and when the sample was collected. The deluted and mixed oils and extracts were used to run biological trials, in particular, anti-oxidative, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory trials were performed. Results were positive and promising for future development, in particular from a micro-biological and anti-inflammatory perspective. Further development in the matter is highly advisable, to formulate a new pharmaceutical product, from the natural santolina active principles.
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