Tesi etd-02122012-194953 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
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Path following di un veicolo sottomarino glider con ali idrodinamiche attuate e indipendenti
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Caiti, Andrea
relatore Prof. Innocenti, Mario
correlatore Dott. Calabrò, Vincenzo
relatore Prof. Innocenti, Mario
correlatore Dott. Calabrò, Vincenzo
Parole chiave
- ali idrodinamiche indipendenti
- ballast tank
- switching control
- Underwater Wave Glider
Data inizio appello
In questa tesi è sviluppato un sistema di controllo per il Veicolo Autonomo Ibrido (VAI) Underwater Wave-Glider. Tale veicolo possiede un ballast tank posizionato nella parte anteriore del corpo e due ali idrodinamiche autonome posizionate simmetricamente nella parte posteriore. L’approccio utilizzato per realizzare il controllo si basa su un nuovo metodo di path- following descritto nell’articolo “Principles of Guidance-Based Path Following in 2D and 3D” di Morten Breivik e Thor I. Fossen della Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). La strategia di controllo utilizzata è di tipo switching e consente l’inseguimento di tipiche traiettorie di gliding in 3D. L’algoritmo di controllo ricavato è stato, infine, validato da simulazioni numeriche effettuate tramite MATLAB Simulink® e i risultati sono mostrati nel Capitolo 5 del presente lavoro di tesi.
In this thesis we developed a control for Autonomous Hybrid Vehicle (VAI) Underwater Wave-Glider. This vehicle has a ballast tank located in the front part of the body and two indipendent hydrodynamic wings that are placed in the back of the hull. The approach used for achieving control, is based on the new path-following method illustrated by Morten Breivik and Thor I. Fossen of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in their article "Principles of Guidance-Based Path Following in 2D and 3D". A switching control strategy is employed to track typical 3D trajectories. Finally, the algorithm control is validated through numerical simulations realised with MATLAB Simulink® whose results are reported in Chapter 5 of this thesis.
In this thesis we developed a control for Autonomous Hybrid Vehicle (VAI) Underwater Wave-Glider. This vehicle has a ballast tank located in the front part of the body and two indipendent hydrodynamic wings that are placed in the back of the hull. The approach used for achieving control, is based on the new path-following method illustrated by Morten Breivik and Thor I. Fossen of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in their article "Principles of Guidance-Based Path Following in 2D and 3D". A switching control strategy is employed to track typical 3D trajectories. Finally, the algorithm control is validated through numerical simulations realised with MATLAB Simulink® whose results are reported in Chapter 5 of this thesis.
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