Tesi etd-02072023-152329 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
La crisi di Herstatt e delle sue "sorelle": cause e conseguenze sul sistema di vigilanza bancaria
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Bientinesi, Fabrizio
Parole chiave
- cambi flessibili (flexibile exchange rates)
- Comitato di Basilea (Basel Committee)
- crisi bancaria (banking crisis)
- Herstatt
- movimenti di capitale (capital movements)
- vigilanza bancaria (banking supervision)
Data inizio appello
ITA: Per 25 anni, gli accordi di Bretton Woods garantirono una certa stabilità al sistema economico, grazie all’imposizione di cambi fissi e di rigidi controlli sul movimento dei capitali. Tuttavia, a causa dei troppi dollari stampati dagli USA a cavallo degli anni 60, il sistema crollò ed iniziò l’era dei cambi flessibili e della libera circolazione dei capitali. Questi due fattori causarono innumerevoli problemi sui mercati, soprattutto su quello del dollaro statunitense, che risultò particolarmente turbolento ed instabile. Herstatt, FNB, IBB London e Llodys Lugano furono le vittime più illustri del mercato valutario, con le loro vicende che ispirarono l’istituzione del Comitato di Basilea nel 1974. Da quella data ad oggi, il Comitato ha emanato tutta una serie di disposizioni con l’obiettivo di rendere il sistema bancario un posto sempre più sicuro ed accessibile alla clientela.
ENG: For 25 years, the Bretton Woods agreements guaranteed a certain stability to the economic system, thanks to the imposition of fixed exchange rates and strict controls on the movement of capital. However, due to too many dollars printed by the USA in the 60s, the system collapsed and the era of flexible exchange rates and the free movement of capital began. These two factors caused innumerable problems on the markets, above all on the US dollar market, which proved to be particularly turbulent and unstable. Herstatt, FNB, IBB London and Llodys Lugano were the most illustrious victims of the foreign exchange market, with their events that inspired the establishment of the Basel Committee in 1974. From that date to today, the Committee has issued a whole series of provisions with the goal of making the banking system an increasingly secure and accessible place for customers.
ENG: For 25 years, the Bretton Woods agreements guaranteed a certain stability to the economic system, thanks to the imposition of fixed exchange rates and strict controls on the movement of capital. However, due to too many dollars printed by the USA in the 60s, the system collapsed and the era of flexible exchange rates and the free movement of capital began. These two factors caused innumerable problems on the markets, above all on the US dollar market, which proved to be particularly turbulent and unstable. Herstatt, FNB, IBB London and Llodys Lugano were the most illustrious victims of the foreign exchange market, with their events that inspired the establishment of the Basel Committee in 1974. From that date to today, the Committee has issued a whole series of provisions with the goal of making the banking system an increasingly secure and accessible place for customers.
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