Tesi etd-02072022-231515 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Lo sport come mezzo di inclusione: scoprire "differenti pallavolo" per promuovere processi inclusivi
Corso di studi
relatore Lucattini, Paolo
Parole chiave
- attività fisica
- inclusion
- inclusione
- movement
- movimento
- pallavolo
- physical activity
- sport
- sport
- volleyball
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Questo elaborato è nato dall'idea di mettere insieme la mia passione per la pallavolo e un tema che ancora oggi ha poco spazio, l'inclusione. Dopo un primo capitolo dove parlo dei benefici, sia fisici che cognitivi, psicologici e sociali, di tutte le tipologie di attività fisica e nel quale faccio riferimento anche alle linee guida dell'OMS sulla pratica dell'attività fisica nelle diverse fasce d'età, sono passata a parlare dell’inclusione e dello sport consultando articoli trovati in letteratura e dai quali possiamo evincere quanto essa sia importante per la società e la grande capacità dello sport di fare da tramite, da “insegnate” di inclusione grazie ai suoi molteplici aspetti positivi in ambito di socializzazione. Nel capitolo successivo ho fatto un excursus sulla storia e sulle regole della pallavolo classica chiudendo parlando delle sue possibili potenzialità inclusive grazie ai benefici, soprattutto sociali, che porta. Proseguendo ho parlato delle varie forme di pallavolo che sono nate negli anni, pallavolo per sordi, sitting volley e pallavolo unificata, per cercare di far praticare questo sport a persone con disabilità e avvicinarle ed includerle nel mondo pallavolistico. Per ultimo, ma non meno importante, ho parlato della mia esperienza di tirocinio nel quale ho potuto toccare con mano un progetto di pallavolo inclusiva, una forma di pallavolo ancora poco conosciuta, all’interno di un centro giovani. Concludendo Ho esplicato le mie idee su quanto sia importane la collaborazione tra attività fisica adattata e attività inclusiva, nonostante siano diverse, per cercare di rendere lo sport adatto a tutti senza sentirsi inferiori agli altri
This paper was born from the idea of putting together my passion for volleyball and a theme that still has little space, inclusion. After a first chapter where I talk about the benefits, both physical and cognitive, psychological and social, of all types of physical activity and in which I also refer to the WHO guidelines on the practice of physical activity in different age groups, I went on to talk about inclusion and sport, consulting articles found in literature and from which we can see how important it is for society and the great ability of sport to act as a medium, as "teachers" of inclusion, thanks to its many positive aspects in the field of socialization. In the next chapter I did an excursus on the history and rules of classic volleyball, talking about its possible inclusive potential thanks to the benefits, especially social, that it brings. Then, I talked about the various forms of volleyball that have been born over the years, such as volleyball for deaf, sitting volleyball and unified volleyball, with the aim of making to try to practice this sport to people with disabilities and bring them closer and include them in the volleyball world. Last but not least, I talked about my internship experience in which I could touch a project of inclusive volleyball, a form of volleyball still little known, within a youth center. In conclusion, I have expressed my ideas on how important it is the collaboration between adapted physical activity and inclusive activity, although they are different, trying to make sport suitable for everyone without feeling inferior to others
This paper was born from the idea of putting together my passion for volleyball and a theme that still has little space, inclusion. After a first chapter where I talk about the benefits, both physical and cognitive, psychological and social, of all types of physical activity and in which I also refer to the WHO guidelines on the practice of physical activity in different age groups, I went on to talk about inclusion and sport, consulting articles found in literature and from which we can see how important it is for society and the great ability of sport to act as a medium, as "teachers" of inclusion, thanks to its many positive aspects in the field of socialization. In the next chapter I did an excursus on the history and rules of classic volleyball, talking about its possible inclusive potential thanks to the benefits, especially social, that it brings. Then, I talked about the various forms of volleyball that have been born over the years, such as volleyball for deaf, sitting volleyball and unified volleyball, with the aim of making to try to practice this sport to people with disabilities and bring them closer and include them in the volleyball world. Last but not least, I talked about my internship experience in which I could touch a project of inclusive volleyball, a form of volleyball still little known, within a youth center. In conclusion, I have expressed my ideas on how important it is the collaboration between adapted physical activity and inclusive activity, although they are different, trying to make sport suitable for everyone without feeling inferior to others
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Tesi non consultabile. |