Tesi etd-02072022-181359 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Valutazione dell'attivita antiossidante, antimicrobica e antimutagena della microalga verde Ettlia pseudoalveolaris
Corso di studi
relatore Dott.ssa Pozzo, Luisa
correlatore Dott.ssa Della Croce, Clara Maria
correlatore Dott.ssa Della Croce, Clara Maria
Parole chiave
- alimenti funzionali - green microalgae
- antioxidant activity
- attività antiossidante
- functional foods
- microalga verde
- polifenoli
- polyphenols
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Le microalghe verdi sono organismi eucarioti unicellulari che negli ultimi anni stanno assumendo sempre più importanza in ambito nutraceutico, ma anche cosmetico e farmaceutico, grazie al loro elevato contenuto di composti bioattivi (High Value Added Compounds). La necessità di ridurre l’utilizzo di composti sintetici, risultati tossici e/o cancerogeni in modelli animali, ha portato all’identificazione di nuove fonti di antiossidanti di origine naturale, sicure ed economiche. In questo ambito, le previsioni riguardo il mercato globale delle microalghe suggeriscono che la domanda è in continuo aumento. Nonostante una certa riluttanza per i Novel Food in passato, ad oggi il consumatore sembra sempre più orientato verso prodotti alimentari più naturali. Numerose combinazioni di microalghe o miscele di esse si trovano sul mercato sotto forma di compresse, polveri, capsule, pastiglie e liquidi. Possono inoltre essere incorporate in vari prodotti alimentari con l’obiettivo di fornire gli effetti salutari associati alla biomassa microalgale. Le norme sulla sicurezza alimentare per il consumo umano rappresentano il principale vincolo per l’utilizzo commerciale delle risorse microalgali. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di misurare il profilo polifenolico, la capacità antiossidante e l’attività antimicrobica di una particolare microalga verde, proveniente da laghi di altopiani d'acqua dolce dell’Ecuador, che prende il nome di Ettlia pseudoalveolaris, mediante diversi test in vitro. Tramite l’utilizzo delle cellule HMEC-1, è stato determinato l’effetto sulla riduzione del danno endoteliale provocato dallo stress ossidativo indotto dal perossido di idrogeno. Infine, è stato valutato il possibile effetto citotossico, mutageno e antimutageno su cellule di lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae come sistema eucariotico. L’estratto ha mostrato una buona capacità antiossidante e una moderata attività antimicrobica, grazie alla presenza di composti polifenolici. Dalle analisi effettuate sulle cellule HMEC-1 è emerso che le sostanze antiossidanti, presenti nell’estratto, sono inoltre responsabili della riduzione del danno endoteliale. Infine, i risultati ottenuti dal test su S. cerevisiae mostrano che le sostanze presenti nell’estratto esplicano un effetto antimutageno tramite un meccanismo antiossidante di tipo preventivo e diretto, in accordo con i risultati dei test precedentemente effettuati.
Green microalgae are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that in recent years are becoming increasingly important in the nutraceutical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields, thanks to the high content of bioactive compounds (High Value Added Compounds). The need to reduce the use of synthetic compounds, which are toxic and cancerogenic in animal models, led to the identification of new sources of natural, safe and economical antioxidants. In this context, forecasts on the global microalgae market suggest that the demand is continuously increasing. Despite the disapproval towards Novel Foods in the past, today the consumer seems increasingly oriented towards more natural food products. Numerous combinations of microalgae or their mixtures are on the market in the form of tablets, powders, capsules, and liquids. They can also be incorporated into various food products with the aim of providing the health effects associated with microalgae biomass. Food safety regulations for human consumption represent the main constraint for the commercial use of microalgae resources. The aim of this study was to measure the polyphenolic profile, the antioxidant capacity and the antimicrobial activity of a particular green microalgae, from freshwater highland lakes of Ecuador, which takes the name of Ettlia pseudoalveolaris, by several in vitro tests. Through the use of HMEC-1 cells, the effect on the reduction of endothelial damage caused by oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide was determined. Finally, the possible cytotoxic, mutagenic and antimutagenic effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells as a eukaryotic system was evaluated. The extract showed good antioxidant capacity and moderate antimicrobial activity, thanks to the presence of polyphenolic compounds. From the experiments carried out on HMEC-1 cells, it emerged that the antioxidant substances present in the extract are also responsible for reducing endothelial damage. The results obtained from the test on S. cerevisiae finally show that the substances present in the extract have an antimutagenic effect through a preventive and direct antioxidant mechanism, in accordance with the results of the tests previously performed.
Green microalgae are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that in recent years are becoming increasingly important in the nutraceutical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields, thanks to the high content of bioactive compounds (High Value Added Compounds). The need to reduce the use of synthetic compounds, which are toxic and cancerogenic in animal models, led to the identification of new sources of natural, safe and economical antioxidants. In this context, forecasts on the global microalgae market suggest that the demand is continuously increasing. Despite the disapproval towards Novel Foods in the past, today the consumer seems increasingly oriented towards more natural food products. Numerous combinations of microalgae or their mixtures are on the market in the form of tablets, powders, capsules, and liquids. They can also be incorporated into various food products with the aim of providing the health effects associated with microalgae biomass. Food safety regulations for human consumption represent the main constraint for the commercial use of microalgae resources. The aim of this study was to measure the polyphenolic profile, the antioxidant capacity and the antimicrobial activity of a particular green microalgae, from freshwater highland lakes of Ecuador, which takes the name of Ettlia pseudoalveolaris, by several in vitro tests. Through the use of HMEC-1 cells, the effect on the reduction of endothelial damage caused by oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide was determined. Finally, the possible cytotoxic, mutagenic and antimutagenic effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells as a eukaryotic system was evaluated. The extract showed good antioxidant capacity and moderate antimicrobial activity, thanks to the presence of polyphenolic compounds. From the experiments carried out on HMEC-1 cells, it emerged that the antioxidant substances present in the extract are also responsible for reducing endothelial damage. The results obtained from the test on S. cerevisiae finally show that the substances present in the extract have an antimutagenic effect through a preventive and direct antioxidant mechanism, in accordance with the results of the tests previously performed.
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