Tesi etd-02072022-113302 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Il ruolo degli alimenti funzionali nelle patologie oculari
Corso di studi
relatore Dott.ssa Pucci, Laura
correlatore Dott.ssa Della Croce, Clara Maria
correlatore Dott.ssa Della Croce, Clara Maria
Parole chiave
- alimenti funzionali
- functional foods
- Lisosan G
- Lisosan G - ocular diseases
- oxidative stress
- patologie oculari
- stress ossidativo
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Esistono studi in letteratura sul contributo degli alimenti funzionali sia nel migliorare alcune funzioni fisiologiche che nel ridurre il rischio d’insorgenza e la progressione di diverse patologie. Abbiamo focalizzato l’attenzione sul ruolo dell’alimentazione nella salute degli occhi, essenziale per una valida funzionalità visiva. Secondo l’OMS, in questo decennio, più di due miliardi di persone al mondo sono affette da patologie visive determinate da risposte infiammatorie e/o immunitarie sbilanciate o processi neurodegenerativi su cui si può agire con un intervento nutrizionale. Scopo di questa tesi è stato fare una ricerca bibliografica approfondita sul ruolo degli alimenti funzionali nelle patologie oculari, con particolare attenzione a retinopatia diabetica e glaucoma. Abbiamo descritto lo stress ossidativo, i meccanismi di difesa antiossidante dell’organismo ed infiammazione con particolare riferimento alle più diffuse patologie oculari. E’ stata descritta l’anatomia dell’occhio e le principali patologie che lo colpiscono, come degenerazione maculare, glaucoma, sindrome dell’occhio secco, cataratta e retinopatia diabetica. E’ stata evidenziata l’importanza degli alimenti fermentati, in particolare i cereali, per il loro effetto di protezione contro il danno ossidativo e infiammatorio. Infine, sono stati analizzati alcuni recenti contributi sperimentali su nutrienti che hanno mostrato effetti significativi nel prevenire lo sviluppo o la progressione delle suddette patologie oculari. In particolare è stato descritto il Lisosan G, un lisato di grano fermentato, che si è dimostrato efficace nel trattamento di glaucoma e retinopatia diabetica, in studi in vitro e sull’animale.
There are studies in the literature on the contribution of functional foods both in the improvement of some physiological functions and in the reduction of the risk of onset and progression of various diseases. We have focused our attention on the role of nutrition in eye health, which is essential for good visual function. According to the WHO, in this decade more than two billion people in the world have been affected by visual pathologies caused by inflammatory and/or imbalanced immune responses or by neurodegenerative processes on which it is possible to act with a nutritional intervention. The purpose of this thesis was to carry out an in-depth bibliographic research on the role of functional foods in ocular pathologies, with particular attention to diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. We have described oxidative stress, cellular antioxidant defense mechanisms and inflammation, referring to the most common eye diseases. The anatomy of the eye and related pathologies have been described, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. The importance of fermented foods, especially cereals, was highlighted for their protective effect against oxidative and inflammatory damage. Finally, some recent experimental contributions on nutrients that have shown significant effects in preventing the development or progression of ocular pathologies, have been analyzed. In particular, studies on Lisosan G, a fermented wheat lysate which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, have been described.
There are studies in the literature on the contribution of functional foods both in the improvement of some physiological functions and in the reduction of the risk of onset and progression of various diseases. We have focused our attention on the role of nutrition in eye health, which is essential for good visual function. According to the WHO, in this decade more than two billion people in the world have been affected by visual pathologies caused by inflammatory and/or imbalanced immune responses or by neurodegenerative processes on which it is possible to act with a nutritional intervention. The purpose of this thesis was to carry out an in-depth bibliographic research on the role of functional foods in ocular pathologies, with particular attention to diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. We have described oxidative stress, cellular antioxidant defense mechanisms and inflammation, referring to the most common eye diseases. The anatomy of the eye and related pathologies have been described, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. The importance of fermented foods, especially cereals, was highlighted for their protective effect against oxidative and inflammatory damage. Finally, some recent experimental contributions on nutrients that have shown significant effects in preventing the development or progression of ocular pathologies, have been analyzed. In particular, studies on Lisosan G, a fermented wheat lysate which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, have been described.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |