Tesi etd-01262018-134046 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Variabilità nella risposta di genotipi di frumento tenero all'inoculazione in pieno campo con funghi micorrizici arbuscolari
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Ercoli, Laura
correlatore Dott.ssa Pellegrino, Elisa
correlatore Dott.ssa Pellegrino, Elisa
Parole chiave
- assorbimento di micronutrienti
- bread wheat
- grano
- intraspecific variability
- micronutrient uptake
- microorganismi simbionti
- symbiotic microorganisms
- variabilità intraspecifica
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
I funghi micorrizici arbuscolari (AMF) favoriscono la crescita e la resa delle colture aumentando significativamente l'assorbimento di nutrienti minerali, la resistenza alle malattie e la tolleranza alla siccità. Gran parte delle conoscenze sulle funzioni agro-ecosistemiche svolte dagli AMF utilizzati come inoculanti biologici deriva da esperimenti di laboratorio. Tuttavia, i risultati ottenuti da questi esperimenti non hanno una grande rilevanza per le applicazioni in campo dove altri microrganismi possono interagire, modificando gli effetti. Il frumento tenero (Triticum aestivum L.) è una importante coltura erbacea, ampiamente coltivata in tutto il mondo in diverse condizioni climatiche e classificata come non-micotrofica o scarsamente micotrofica. Una recente metanalisi ha però messo in evidenza l’importante ruolo che l’inoculazione in campo con AMF può svolgere sulla produzione di frumento e sull’assorbimento di azoto e fosforo. Inoltre, nello stesso lavoro e in una recente ricerca di campo eseguita su frumento duro il ruolo di tali simbionti sull’assorbimento di ferro (Fe) e zinco (Zn), micronutrienti carenti nella dieta e aventi un’azione sia nutritiva che nutraceutica, è stato per la prima volta sottolineato. Pertanto il seguente lavoro di tesi ha valutato gli effetti dell’inoculazione con Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198 in pieno campo in regime di agricoltura biologica su 11 vecchie varietà locali di frumento tenero (Sieve, Risciola, Andriolo, Frassineto, Avanzi 3, Verna, Grano Noè di Pavia, Inallettabile, Torrenova, Autonomia B e Gentil Rosso) a confronto con la varietà moderna Bologna. E’ stata misurata la percentuale di colonizzazione radicale del frumento durante due fasi: allungamento delle foglie e maturazione. E’ stato valutato lo sviluppo della coltura e la concentrazione di Fe e Zn nella parte epigea della pianta nella fase di allungamento delle foglie. Inoltre, sono stati misurati i caratteri morfologici della pianta, la produzione di granella e le sue caratteristiche qualitative, insieme alle concentrazioni di Fe e Zn della granella. Tecniche di biologia molecolare sono state utilizzate per verificare la persistenza della specie AMF inoculata negli apparati radicali di due vecchie varietà di frumento (Autonomia B e Frassineto) e della varietà moderna di confronto. Le medesime analisi hanno permesso di valutare la possibile alterazione della composizione e struttura della comunità dei funghi AMF indigeni nelle radici del frumento. I risultati hanno mostrato che le vecchie varietà di frumento inoculate con AMF hanno una resa generalmente superiore a quella delle piante non inoculate, e confrontabile con quella della varietà moderna. Un’ampia variabilità di risposta all’inoculazione con AMF è stata osservata tra le varietà studiate sulle produzioni, sui caratteri qualitativi, sull’assorbimento di Fe e Zn della granella e sulla percentuale di colonizzazione. Alla fase di allungamento delle foglie le piante inoculate presentavano una colonizzazione radicale media pari al 14%, mentre quelle non inoculate pari al 9%. Alla maturazione la colonizzazione media delle piante inoculate era pari al 17%, mentre quelle non inoculate pari al 15%. L’estrazione di DNA da apparato radicale, l’amplificazione degli AMF tramite PCR, e le successive fasi di ligazione e clonaggio sono state eseguite con successo. Gli AMF potrebbero quindi rappresentare un valido mezzo di biofortificazione agronomica delle colture al fine di aumentare le concentrazioni di Fe e Zn nel frumento in regime di agricoltura biologica.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) promote growth and yield crop by significantly increasing mineral nutrient uptake, disease resistance and drought tolerance. Much of the knowledge on agro-ecosystem functions of AMF applied as biological inoculants derives from laboratory experiments. However, the results of these experiments have little relevance for field applications, as the interaction with other microorganisms could modify the outcome of the symbiosis. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important crop, widely cultivated worldwide under different climatic conditions and classified as non-mycotrophic or poorly mycotrophic. A recent meta-analysis highlighted the important role of field inoculation with AMF on wheat production and on nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. Moreover, in the same work and in a recent field research carried out on durum wheat, the role of AMF on iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) uptake, which are micronutrients acting as nutritients and nutraceuticals, was underlined for the first time . Therefore in this thesis the effect of field inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198 was studied in organic farming regime on 11 old varieties of bread wheat (Sieve, Risciola, Andriolo, Frassineto, Avanzi 3, Verna, Grano Noè di Pavia, Inallettabile, Torrenova, Autonomia B and Gentil Rosso) compared to the modern variety Bologna .
The colonization percentage of wheat roots was measured at two phenological stages: pseudo stem erection and physiological maturity. Crop growth and Fe and Zn concentration in shoots the was determined at pseudo stem erection. Furthermore, grain yield and qualitaty was measured together with Fe and Zn concentration in grain. Molecular biology techniques were applied to verify the persistence of the inoculated AMF in the root system of two old wheat varieties (Autonomia B and Frassineto) in comparison with the modern variety. These analyses allow the assessment of the AMF community structure in the roots and the possible alterations due to field inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis. The results showed that on average field inoculation increased grain yield of the old wheat varieties compared to non-inoculated plants, and that the production of the old varieties is comparable with the one of the modern variety. A wide variability in the response to inoculation with AMF was observed among the varieties, in terms of grain yield and Fe and Zn concentration in grain and on the colonization percentage. At pseudo stem erection, root colonization was 14% in the inoculated plants and 9% in the plants not inoculated. At physiological maturity, the average colonization of inoculated plants was 17%, while those not inoculated was 15%. DNA extraction from the root system, AMF amplification by PCR, and subsequent ligation and cloning steps were successfully performed. Therefore, AMF could represent a valid biofortification tool in order to increase Fe and Zn concentration in wheat under organic farming.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) promote growth and yield crop by significantly increasing mineral nutrient uptake, disease resistance and drought tolerance. Much of the knowledge on agro-ecosystem functions of AMF applied as biological inoculants derives from laboratory experiments. However, the results of these experiments have little relevance for field applications, as the interaction with other microorganisms could modify the outcome of the symbiosis. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important crop, widely cultivated worldwide under different climatic conditions and classified as non-mycotrophic or poorly mycotrophic. A recent meta-analysis highlighted the important role of field inoculation with AMF on wheat production and on nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. Moreover, in the same work and in a recent field research carried out on durum wheat, the role of AMF on iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) uptake, which are micronutrients acting as nutritients and nutraceuticals, was underlined for the first time . Therefore in this thesis the effect of field inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198 was studied in organic farming regime on 11 old varieties of bread wheat (Sieve, Risciola, Andriolo, Frassineto, Avanzi 3, Verna, Grano Noè di Pavia, Inallettabile, Torrenova, Autonomia B and Gentil Rosso) compared to the modern variety Bologna .
The colonization percentage of wheat roots was measured at two phenological stages: pseudo stem erection and physiological maturity. Crop growth and Fe and Zn concentration in shoots the was determined at pseudo stem erection. Furthermore, grain yield and qualitaty was measured together with Fe and Zn concentration in grain. Molecular biology techniques were applied to verify the persistence of the inoculated AMF in the root system of two old wheat varieties (Autonomia B and Frassineto) in comparison with the modern variety. These analyses allow the assessment of the AMF community structure in the roots and the possible alterations due to field inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis. The results showed that on average field inoculation increased grain yield of the old wheat varieties compared to non-inoculated plants, and that the production of the old varieties is comparable with the one of the modern variety. A wide variability in the response to inoculation with AMF was observed among the varieties, in terms of grain yield and Fe and Zn concentration in grain and on the colonization percentage. At pseudo stem erection, root colonization was 14% in the inoculated plants and 9% in the plants not inoculated. At physiological maturity, the average colonization of inoculated plants was 17%, while those not inoculated was 15%. DNA extraction from the root system, AMF amplification by PCR, and subsequent ligation and cloning steps were successfully performed. Therefore, AMF could represent a valid biofortification tool in order to increase Fe and Zn concentration in wheat under organic farming.
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