Tesi etd-01222024-162207 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Caratterizzazione geologico-tecnica del sottosuolo nell'area della Certosa di Calci (Pisa)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Giannecchini, Roberto
Parole chiave
- analisi di laboratorio
- Certosa di Calci
- indagini in sito
- microzonazione sismica
- modello geologico-tecnico
- Toscana
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il presente lavoro di Tesi si è posto come principale obiettivo la caratterizzazione dal punto di vista geologico-tecnico del sottosuolo dell’area dove si colloca il complesso della Certosa di Calci, un monastero monumentale di età barocca incastonato in una valle ai piedi dei Monti Pisani, a pochi chilometri da Pisa. L’esigenza nasce dalla necessità di approfondire il quadro conoscitivo sia della struttura della Certosa, sia del sito, al fine di progettare azioni di ristrutturazione del manufatto, che in alcuni settori mostra anche problemi di stabilità. Al fine di pervenire agli obiettivi preposti, è stata effettuata una serie di indagini geognostiche, dirette, indirette e di laboratorio, integrate da osservazioni di tipo idrogeologico. In particolare, sono stati realizzati cinque sondaggi in gran parte a carotaggio continuo, durante i quali sono state effettuate prove penetrometriche in foro (SPT) e prelevati campioni indisturbati e rimaneggiati; al termine delle operazioni di perforazione, un foro è stato allestito per la realizzazione di una prova sismica di tipo down-hole e tre fori sono stati condizionati con altrettanti piezometri di Casagrande. Contestualmente alla realizzazione dei sondaggi, nell’area è stata eseguita una serie di prove penetrometriche e di indagini sismiche di superficie (a rifrazione e MASW) e misure del rumore simico ambientale in sito (HVSR). A completamento, sono state effettuate diverse analisi di laboratorio sui campioni prelevati (analisi granulometriche, limiti di Atterberg, prova di taglio, colonna risonante). L’elaborazione di tutti i dati acquisiti ha permesso di pervenire ad una descrizione geologica e geologico-tecnica del sottosuolo dell’area, caratterizzata da una spessa successione sedimentaria di natura alluvionale, attribuibile prevalentemente al conoide alluvionale del torrente Zambra di Montemagno con possibili apporti dagli impluvi del versante adiacente all’area. La successione sedimentaria appare eterogenea con prevalenza di litotipi limosi con presenza di clasti, intercalati ad orizzonti più francamente sabbiosi e ghiaiosi, poggiante su un substrato roccioso rappresentato da rocce filladiche della Formazione delle Filladi e quarziti di Buti, formazione di età paleozoica alla base dell’Unità del Monte Serra e ampiamente affiorante lungo i versanti che circondano il sito in esame. A partire dalla definizione della successione litostratigrafica locale, i risultati ottenuti dalle prove meccaniche e sismiche svolte hanno mostrato, al di sotto dei primi metri di terreno di riporto, la presenza di terreni molto consistenti ed addensati, caratterizzati da velocità delle onde di taglio superiori a 500 m/s, con un miglioramento sostanzialmente crescente con la profondità, ad eccezione di ridotte inversioni locali dovute alla riduzione della percentuale di frammenti litici, prima di arrivare al substrato sismico, che potrebbe essere associabile alla roccia in posto che, nella sua porzione più superficiale, appare caratterizzata da elevato grado di alterazione e fratturazione, oppure a depositi alluvionali di conoide molto compatti ed addensati. Il modello litostratigrafico è stato ridefinito in chiave idrogeologica, assegnando ai singoli litotipi il grado e l’ordine di grandezza del coefficiente di permeabilità estratti da dati di letteratura. Il monitoraggio della superficie piezometrica non ha fatto trasparire significative informazioni, ipotizzando una posizione della stessa al di sotto delle celle piezometriche collocate. Le informazioni geologico-tecniche e sismiche acquisite hanno permesso anche una valutazione preliminare di microzonazione sismica dell’area, dato che il Comune di Calci si colloca in zona sismica 3 (zona a bassa sismicità) all’interno della classificazione sismica regionale e le normative regionali rendono obbligatoria la redazione degli studi di microzonazione sismica. Per le microzone individuate non è stato possibile quantificare il fattore di amplificazione con i metodi semplificati proposti dalla Regione Toscana, ma è stato necessario affidarsi ad una analisi di risposta sismica locale che ha mostrato amplificazione del moto sismico al passaggio tra lo strato superficiale e i depositi di conoide rigidi a pochi metri dal piano campagna e nettamente in superficie rispetto al piano di imposta delle fondazioni del monastero. Le sopraelencate operazioni permettono di migliorare la conoscenza del sottosuolo dell’area relativa alla Certosa di Calci nei suoi aspetti geologico-tecnici, ma rappresenta ancora un modello preliminare delle sue caratteristiche ed un punto di partenza per successive fasi di studio più approfondite, che garantiscano la migliore caratterizzazione del sottosuolo su cui poggia un patrimonio monumentale di grande rilevanza storica e artistica.
This Thesis work aims at the geological and geotechnical characterization of the subsoil of the area where the Certosa di Calci complex is located, a monumental baroque monastery erected in a valley at the foothills of the Monti Pisani, a few kilometers from Pisa. It arises from the need to deepen the cognitive framework of both the structure of the Certosa and the site, in order to plan renovation of the building, which in some sectors also shows stability problems. In order to achieve this aim, a series of geognostic surveys, both directs and indirects, and laboratory tests have been carried out, integrated with hydrogeological observations. In particular, five geognostic drillings have been made mostly with continuous coring system, in which standard penetration tests(SPT) have been performed and undisturbed and disturbed soil samples have been taken; at the end of the drilling operations, a borehole has been set up for the realization of a down-hole seismic test and three boreholes have been equipped with as many Casagrande piezometers. At the same time as the drillings were being conducted, some penetration tests in situ and surface seismic surveys (seismic refraction survey and MASW) and on-site seismic noise measurements (HVSR) were conducted in the area. Upon completion, several laboratory analyses were carried out on soil samples (particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, direct shear test, resonant column test). Through the processing of all the acquired data, it was possible to reach a geological and geotechnical description of the subsoil of the area, characterized by an alluvial thick sedimentary succession, mainly belonging to the alluvial fan of the Zambra di Montemagno stream with possible contributions from the slope near the area towards impluvia. The sedimentary succession appears heterogeneous and is characterized by silty lithotypes containing significant amounts of coarse clasts, with intercalations of more sandy and gravelly layers, overlying a geological bedrock, represented by phyllites belonging to the “Buti Quartzites and Phyllites Formation”, a Paleozoic formation at the bottom of the Monte Serra Unit and widely outcropping along the slopes that surround the site. According to the lithostratigraphic succession, the data obtained from the mechanical and seismic tests have shown, under the first meters below the land surface of made ground, the presence of very stiff and very dense sediments characterized by shear wave velocities greater than 500 m/s, with an increasing improvement with depth, except for small inversions due to the decrease of the percentage of lithics, before arriving at the seismic bedrock, that could be attributed to the fractured and weathered geological bedrock or to a very compact and dense alluvial fan sediments. The lithostratigraphic model has been redefined in hydrogeological terms, assigning to the individual lithotypes the degree and the permeability coefficient, extracted from literature data. The periodic monitoring of the piezometric level did not reveal significant information, assuming a position of the same below the piezometric cells placed. The acquired geological-technical and seismic information also allowed a preliminary assessment of seismic microzonation of the area, given that Calci is located in seismic zone 3 (low seismicity) within the seismic classification at regional level and regional regulations make the drafting of seismic microzonation studies mandatory. For the seismic microzones individuated in the concerned area, it was not possible to quantify the amplification factor with the simplified methods proposed by regional guidelines, but it was necessary to rely on an analysis of local seismic response that showed amplification between the upper layer and the stiff alluvial fan deposits, a few meters from the ground surface and significantly above foundations of the monastic building. The above-listed operations allow to improve the knowledge of the subsoil of the area relating to the Calci Charterhouse in its geotechnical aspects, but it still represents a preliminary model of its characteristics and a starting point for further in-depth studies ensuring the best characterization of the subsoil on which rests a monumental heritage of great historical and artistic importance.
This Thesis work aims at the geological and geotechnical characterization of the subsoil of the area where the Certosa di Calci complex is located, a monumental baroque monastery erected in a valley at the foothills of the Monti Pisani, a few kilometers from Pisa. It arises from the need to deepen the cognitive framework of both the structure of the Certosa and the site, in order to plan renovation of the building, which in some sectors also shows stability problems. In order to achieve this aim, a series of geognostic surveys, both directs and indirects, and laboratory tests have been carried out, integrated with hydrogeological observations. In particular, five geognostic drillings have been made mostly with continuous coring system, in which standard penetration tests(SPT) have been performed and undisturbed and disturbed soil samples have been taken; at the end of the drilling operations, a borehole has been set up for the realization of a down-hole seismic test and three boreholes have been equipped with as many Casagrande piezometers. At the same time as the drillings were being conducted, some penetration tests in situ and surface seismic surveys (seismic refraction survey and MASW) and on-site seismic noise measurements (HVSR) were conducted in the area. Upon completion, several laboratory analyses were carried out on soil samples (particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, direct shear test, resonant column test). Through the processing of all the acquired data, it was possible to reach a geological and geotechnical description of the subsoil of the area, characterized by an alluvial thick sedimentary succession, mainly belonging to the alluvial fan of the Zambra di Montemagno stream with possible contributions from the slope near the area towards impluvia. The sedimentary succession appears heterogeneous and is characterized by silty lithotypes containing significant amounts of coarse clasts, with intercalations of more sandy and gravelly layers, overlying a geological bedrock, represented by phyllites belonging to the “Buti Quartzites and Phyllites Formation”, a Paleozoic formation at the bottom of the Monte Serra Unit and widely outcropping along the slopes that surround the site. According to the lithostratigraphic succession, the data obtained from the mechanical and seismic tests have shown, under the first meters below the land surface of made ground, the presence of very stiff and very dense sediments characterized by shear wave velocities greater than 500 m/s, with an increasing improvement with depth, except for small inversions due to the decrease of the percentage of lithics, before arriving at the seismic bedrock, that could be attributed to the fractured and weathered geological bedrock or to a very compact and dense alluvial fan sediments. The lithostratigraphic model has been redefined in hydrogeological terms, assigning to the individual lithotypes the degree and the permeability coefficient, extracted from literature data. The periodic monitoring of the piezometric level did not reveal significant information, assuming a position of the same below the piezometric cells placed. The acquired geological-technical and seismic information also allowed a preliminary assessment of seismic microzonation of the area, given that Calci is located in seismic zone 3 (low seismicity) within the seismic classification at regional level and regional regulations make the drafting of seismic microzonation studies mandatory. For the seismic microzones individuated in the concerned area, it was not possible to quantify the amplification factor with the simplified methods proposed by regional guidelines, but it was necessary to rely on an analysis of local seismic response that showed amplification between the upper layer and the stiff alluvial fan deposits, a few meters from the ground surface and significantly above foundations of the monastic building. The above-listed operations allow to improve the knowledge of the subsoil of the area relating to the Calci Charterhouse in its geotechnical aspects, but it still represents a preliminary model of its characteristics and a starting point for further in-depth studies ensuring the best characterization of the subsoil on which rests a monumental heritage of great historical and artistic importance.
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