Tesi etd-01222024-142451 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale
Studio paleontologico di una nuova associazione a vertebrati continentali dal Pliocene di Cava “La Serra”
(San Miniato, Pisa; Italia)
Corso di studi
relatore Dott. Collareta, Alberto
correlatore Dott. Pandolfi, Luca
controrelatore Dott. Cascella, Antonio
correlatore Dott. Pandolfi, Luca
controrelatore Dott. Cascella, Antonio
Parole chiave
- balani
- barnacles
- cervidi
- cervids
- Mauremys
- Mauremys
- Pliocene
- Pliocene
- proboscidati
- proboscideans
- Sus
- Sus
- Testudo
- Testudo
- Toscana
- tracce fossili
- trace fossils
- Tuscany
- “epibiont shadows”
- “epibiont shadows”
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il record fossile italiano ed europeo include un’abbondante documentazione di vertebrati continentali di età miocenica e quaternaria. Assai meno ricca è la documentazione relativa ai vertebrati continentali del Pliocene, che in Italia sono rappresentati in gran parte da collezioni storiche dell’Astigiano (Triversa; Piemonte) e del Valdarno Inferiore (Montopoli; Toscana). In prossimità di quest’ultima località, nel settore nord-occidentale del Bacino della Valdelsa, è presente un importante sito paleontologico pliocenico di recente scoperta: Cava “La Serra” (San Miniato, Provincia di Pisa). Presso tale sito affiorano depositi costieri che sono stati recentemente suddivisi in quattro unità informali (associazioni di facies). Il paleoambiente (come ricostruito da studi precedenti) è di tipo estuarino o deltizio per l’“Unità 1” (affiorante alla base della successione esposta in cava), di isola-barriera per l’“Unità 2”, di laguna protetta per l’“Unità 3” e di mare poco profondo per l’“Unità 4” (affiorante al tetto della successione esposta in cava). Lo straordinario record fossile di Cava “La Serra”, in un noto contesto stratigrafico, consiste di abbondantissimi e diversificati fossili di invertebrati (molluschi, brachiopodi e crostacei) e vertebrati, sia acquatici (elasmobranchi, pesci ossei, tartarughe marine e palustri) che terrestri (mammiferi e testuggini). Sebbene gli studi relativi a tale associazione siano ancora limitati, alcuni dei fossili rinvenuti presso questo paleosito sono particolarmente significativi: tra essi si segnalano i primi rinvenimenti di brachiopodi lingulidi da depositi post-miocenici del Bacino Mediterraneo, il secondo record della tartaruga palustre Mauremys nel Pliocene italiano ed il ritrovamento della spina caudale di razza (Myliobatoidei indet.) più lunga al mondo. Nel corso dell’ultimo decennio, da Cava “La Serra” sono state recuperate decine di fossili di vertebrati continentali, molti dei quali (58 reperti) sono stati oggetto di studio nel presente elaborato di tesi. Tale ricerca ha avuto come obiettivi la determinazione tassonomica preliminare, la descrizione e la caratterizzazione tafonomica dei reperti, nonché la loro interpretazione in termini paleoecologici e biocronologici. I campioni analizzati sono riferibili a suidi, cervidi, proboscidati, tartarughe palustri e testuggini. Della famiglia Suidae sono stati studiati due frammenti di mascellari ed un canino superiore (dalle “Unità 1” e “Unità 2”), riferibili a Sus cf. arvernensis sulla base di comparazioni osteoanatomiche e morfometriche. Una medesima metodologia di studio è stata applicata ai fossili di cervidi provenienti dalle stesse unità, tra cui una porzione di palco di Procapreolus sp., numerosi frammenti mandibolari e denti di cf. Pliocervus sp., ed ossa del postcraniale dalle affinità sistematiche incerte. Attribuibili ad un proboscidato indeterminato sono alcune grandi vertebre e coste. I resti di rettili sono per la maggiore parte provenienti dall’“Unità 1”. Tra questi, alla testuggine Testudo (Chersine) sp. sono stati riferiti un lobo anteriore di piastrone ed altri frammenti di guscio, mentre alla tartaruga palustre Mauremys sp. una nucale, una costale isolata ed alcune ossa del piastrone. Sulla superficie esterna di alcuni campioni di Mauremys sono state individuate tracce fossili degli icnogeneri Gunnellichnus e Karethraichnus, frequenti nelle attuali tartarughe d’acqua dolce, rispettivamente per degradazione batterica/funginea e per l’ancoraggio di ectoparassiti acquatici quali le sanguisughe. Infine, per completare la caratterizzazione preliminare dell’associazione a tetrapodi da Cava “La Serra”, è stato studiato anche un epistrofeo di una tartaruga marina (famiglia Cheloniidae), proveniente dai depositi marini affioranti nella parte più alta della successione esposta in cava (“Unità 4”). Grande importanza biostratinomica rivestono le ossa postcraniali di proboscidato: esse, infatti, si presentano fortemente incrostate da cirripedi balanomorfi (Amphibalanus amphitrite) e da ostriche, aderenti sia all’osso corticale che all’osso spugnoso. Sono presenti anche tracce fossili (icnogenere Anellusichnus e Thatchtelithichnus) e numerose modificazioni ossee (“epibiont shadows”), dovute all’ancoraggio dei cirripedi sull’osso e, nel caso degli “epibiont shadows”, all’erosione differenziale di quest’ultimo. Si ipotizza dunque che la carcassa del proboscidato sia fluitata in un ambiente salmastro, dove le ossa sono state abrase dalle forti correnti e rimaste esposte sul fondale per un lungo periodo di tempo, stimato in molti mesi o qualche anno sulla base del tasso di crescita attuale di A. amphitrite. Sulla base di considerazioni biocronologiche dei taxa riconosciuti, si propone una collocazione della nuova associazione a vertebrati continentali da Cava “La Serra” nel Pliocene tra le faune rusciniane o villafranchiane inferiori (secondo la Biocronologica Italiana). Inoltre, si presentano delle novità per quanto riguarda la distribuzione cronostratigrafica di alcuni generi in Italia: prima segnalazione (tentativa) di Pliocervus nel Pliocene; nuove segnalazioni di Mauremys nello scarso record fossile pliocenico; prima segnalazione di Testudo nel Pliocene; prima segnalazione dell’icnogenere Gunnellichnus nel record fossile in assoluto. Infine, all’interno della nuova associazione sono presenti mammiferi tipici di ambienti umidi e densamente forestati (e.g. Sus, Pliocervus), così come tartarughe di acque dolci e salmastre di climi sub-tropicali (e.g. Mauremys). Queste considerazioni supportano ed integrano le interpretazioni paleoambientali proposte precedentemente e sono in linea con gli scenari paleoambientali-paleoclimatici del Pliocene italiano.
The Italian and European fossil record includes an abundant documentation of continental vertebrates of Miocene and Quaternary age. Far less rich is the documentation about the continental vertebrates from the Pliocene, which in Italy are mostly represented for by historical collections from the Asti area (Triversa; Piedmont) and the Lower Valdarno (Montopoli; Tuscany). Near the latter locality, in the northwestern sector of the Valdelsa Basin, an important Pliocene paleontological site has recently been discovered: Cava “La Serra” (San Miniato; Pisa Province). Here, coastal deposits crop out, which have recently been divided into four informal units that may be regarded as facies associations. The paleoenvironment (as reconstructed by previous studies) is estuarine to deltaic for “Unit 1” (occurring at the base of the succession exposed in the quarry), barrier island for “Unit 2”, protected lagoon for “Unit 3” and shallow-marine for “Unit 4” (at the top of the sequence exposed in the quarry). In a known stratigraphic context, the outstanding fossil record of Cava “La Serra” consists of abundant and diverse remains of invertebrates (molluscs, brachiopods and crustaceans) and vertebrates, both aquatic (elasmobranchs, bony fishes, marine turtles and terrapins) and terrestrial (mammals and tortoises). Although just a few studies have investigated this assemblage, some of the fossils found at Cava “La Serra” are particularly remarkable: among them there are the first finds of lingulid brachiopods from post-Miocene deposits of the Mediterranean Basin, the second occurrence of the terrapin Mauremys in the Italian Pliocene, and the longest tail spine of a stringray (Myliobatoidei indet.) worldwide. Over the last decade, dozens of fossils of terrestrial vertebrates have been recovered from Cava “La Serra”, many of which (58 samples) have been the subject matter of this thesis. The latter’s main purpose was the preliminary determination, description and taphonomic characterization of the palaeontological samples, as well as their interpretation in terms of paleoecology and biochronology. The analyzed samples include remains of suids, cervids, proboscideans, terrapins and tortoises. Among the suids, two dentigerous fragments of maxilla and an upper canine were studied (from “Unit 1” and “Unit 2”), being referable to Sus cf. arvernensis on the basis of osteoanatomical and morphometric comparisons. The same methodology was applied to the cervid remains from the same stratigraphic unit, which include an incomplete antler of Procapreolus sp., numerous mandibular fragments and teeth of cf. Pliocervus sp. and postcranial bones of uncertain systematic classification. Some large vertebrae and ribs are attributable to an indeterminate proboscidean. The largest majority of the reptile remains originate from Unit 1. An anterior lobe of plastral bone and other fragments of shell originate from the tortoise Testudo (Chersine) sp., whereas a nuchal, a costal and some plastral bones belong to the terrapin genus Mauremys sp.. Fossil traces, attributed to ichnogenera Karethraichnus and Gunnellichnus, have been identified on the external surface of some plastral bones of Mauremys sp.. These traces are frequent in living freshwater turtles, respectively due to bacterial/fungal degradation and the anchoring of aquatic ectoparasites such as leeches. Lastly, to complete the preliminary characterization of the tetrapod assemblage from Cava “La Serra”, an axis of a sea turtle (Cheloniidae family) from the marine deposits exposed in the stratigraphically higher part of the succession (“Unit 4”) was also described. The proboscidean postcrania are remarkable from a biostratinomic point of view: indeed, they are heavily encrusted by barnacles (Amphibalanus amphitrite) and oysters, both on the cortical and on the spongy bone. There are also numerous fossil traces (ichnogenera Anellusichnus and Thatchtelithichnus) and other bone modifications ("epibiont shadows") that are due to the anchoring of the barnacles on the bone and, in the case of the "epibiont shadows", to the differential erosion of the bone. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the proboscidean carcass floated into a brackish setting where the bones were abraded by strong currents and remained exposed at the seafloor for a long time, estimated between many months and a few years considering the growth rate of A. amphitrite. On the basis of biochronological considerations of the recognized taxa, an attribution of the new terrestrial vertebrate association from Cava "La Serra" to the Pliocene (Ruscinian or Lower Villafranchian according to Italian Biochronology) is suggested herein. Furthermore, there are some news regarding the chronostratigraphic distribution of some taxa in Italy: first (attempted) report of Pliocervus in Pliocene; new fossils of Mauremys in the poor Pliocene fossil record; first report of Testudo in Pliocene; first report of the ichnotaxon Gunnellichnus in the fossil record ever. Finally, within the new association there are mammals typical of humid and densely forested environments (e.g. Sus and Pliocervus) as well as fresh and brackish waters chelonians of sub-tropical climate (e.g. Mauremys). These considerations support and complement the paleoenvironmental reconstructions proposed by previous researches on Cava “La Serra” and they are consistent with the paleoenvironmental-paleoclimatic scenarios of the Italian Pliocene.
The Italian and European fossil record includes an abundant documentation of continental vertebrates of Miocene and Quaternary age. Far less rich is the documentation about the continental vertebrates from the Pliocene, which in Italy are mostly represented for by historical collections from the Asti area (Triversa; Piedmont) and the Lower Valdarno (Montopoli; Tuscany). Near the latter locality, in the northwestern sector of the Valdelsa Basin, an important Pliocene paleontological site has recently been discovered: Cava “La Serra” (San Miniato; Pisa Province). Here, coastal deposits crop out, which have recently been divided into four informal units that may be regarded as facies associations. The paleoenvironment (as reconstructed by previous studies) is estuarine to deltaic for “Unit 1” (occurring at the base of the succession exposed in the quarry), barrier island for “Unit 2”, protected lagoon for “Unit 3” and shallow-marine for “Unit 4” (at the top of the sequence exposed in the quarry). In a known stratigraphic context, the outstanding fossil record of Cava “La Serra” consists of abundant and diverse remains of invertebrates (molluscs, brachiopods and crustaceans) and vertebrates, both aquatic (elasmobranchs, bony fishes, marine turtles and terrapins) and terrestrial (mammals and tortoises). Although just a few studies have investigated this assemblage, some of the fossils found at Cava “La Serra” are particularly remarkable: among them there are the first finds of lingulid brachiopods from post-Miocene deposits of the Mediterranean Basin, the second occurrence of the terrapin Mauremys in the Italian Pliocene, and the longest tail spine of a stringray (Myliobatoidei indet.) worldwide. Over the last decade, dozens of fossils of terrestrial vertebrates have been recovered from Cava “La Serra”, many of which (58 samples) have been the subject matter of this thesis. The latter’s main purpose was the preliminary determination, description and taphonomic characterization of the palaeontological samples, as well as their interpretation in terms of paleoecology and biochronology. The analyzed samples include remains of suids, cervids, proboscideans, terrapins and tortoises. Among the suids, two dentigerous fragments of maxilla and an upper canine were studied (from “Unit 1” and “Unit 2”), being referable to Sus cf. arvernensis on the basis of osteoanatomical and morphometric comparisons. The same methodology was applied to the cervid remains from the same stratigraphic unit, which include an incomplete antler of Procapreolus sp., numerous mandibular fragments and teeth of cf. Pliocervus sp. and postcranial bones of uncertain systematic classification. Some large vertebrae and ribs are attributable to an indeterminate proboscidean. The largest majority of the reptile remains originate from Unit 1. An anterior lobe of plastral bone and other fragments of shell originate from the tortoise Testudo (Chersine) sp., whereas a nuchal, a costal and some plastral bones belong to the terrapin genus Mauremys sp.. Fossil traces, attributed to ichnogenera Karethraichnus and Gunnellichnus, have been identified on the external surface of some plastral bones of Mauremys sp.. These traces are frequent in living freshwater turtles, respectively due to bacterial/fungal degradation and the anchoring of aquatic ectoparasites such as leeches. Lastly, to complete the preliminary characterization of the tetrapod assemblage from Cava “La Serra”, an axis of a sea turtle (Cheloniidae family) from the marine deposits exposed in the stratigraphically higher part of the succession (“Unit 4”) was also described. The proboscidean postcrania are remarkable from a biostratinomic point of view: indeed, they are heavily encrusted by barnacles (Amphibalanus amphitrite) and oysters, both on the cortical and on the spongy bone. There are also numerous fossil traces (ichnogenera Anellusichnus and Thatchtelithichnus) and other bone modifications ("epibiont shadows") that are due to the anchoring of the barnacles on the bone and, in the case of the "epibiont shadows", to the differential erosion of the bone. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the proboscidean carcass floated into a brackish setting where the bones were abraded by strong currents and remained exposed at the seafloor for a long time, estimated between many months and a few years considering the growth rate of A. amphitrite. On the basis of biochronological considerations of the recognized taxa, an attribution of the new terrestrial vertebrate association from Cava "La Serra" to the Pliocene (Ruscinian or Lower Villafranchian according to Italian Biochronology) is suggested herein. Furthermore, there are some news regarding the chronostratigraphic distribution of some taxa in Italy: first (attempted) report of Pliocervus in Pliocene; new fossils of Mauremys in the poor Pliocene fossil record; first report of Testudo in Pliocene; first report of the ichnotaxon Gunnellichnus in the fossil record ever. Finally, within the new association there are mammals typical of humid and densely forested environments (e.g. Sus and Pliocervus) as well as fresh and brackish waters chelonians of sub-tropical climate (e.g. Mauremys). These considerations support and complement the paleoenvironmental reconstructions proposed by previous researches on Cava “La Serra” and they are consistent with the paleoenvironmental-paleoclimatic scenarios of the Italian Pliocene.
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