Tesi etd-01212023-131759 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Utilizzo di target ESG nei sistemi di incentivazione del top management: un'analisi del settore Fossil Fuel
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Barontini, Roberto
Parole chiave
- combustibili fossili
- compensation
- corporate social responsibility
- executive
- fossil fuel
- incentivazione
- incentive
- management
- managers
- pay
- remunerazione
Data inizio appello
La crescente attenzione alla sostenibilità ha indotto molte imprese quotate a adottare nuove forme di incentivazione del top management, legate a obiettivi di tipo ambientale, sociale o al profilo di corporate governance. Anche se la logica di queste politiche retributive è quella di spingere le imprese ad una maggiore attenzione verso un miglioramento del proprio profilo ESG, in linea con requisiti normativi e le aspettative di molti stakeholders, è stato evidenziato che esse rischiano di rendere le retribuzioni dei managers meno trasparenti ed orientate alla creazione di valore per gli azionisti, aumentando anche il rischio di estrazione di benefici privati. Lo scopo della ricerca è indagare l’efficacia delle retribuzioni ESG del top management del settore Fossil Fuel, uno dei settori con maggiore impatto ambientale e nel quale è particolarmente frequente l’adozione di queste nuove forme di incentivazione. Nello specifico, la tesi analizza le determinanti dell’adozioni di politiche retributive basate su parametri ESG, il loro peso nell’ambito del complessivo sistema retributivo, e il loro impatto in termini di performance ESG dell’impresa.
The increasing focus on sustainability has led many listed companies to adopt new forms of top management incentives, linked to environmental, social or corporate governance objectives. Although the rationale for these compensation policies is to push companies toward an increased focus on sustainability, in line with regulatory requirements and the expectations of many stakeholders, it has been pointed out that they risk making managers' compensation less transparent and less geared toward the creation of shareholder value, while also increasing the risk of private benefit use. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of ESG compensation of top management in the Fossil Fuel industry, one of the industries with the greatest environmental impact and in which the adoption of these new forms of incentives is particularly common. In particular, the thesis analyzes the determinants of the adoption of ESG-based compensation policies, their weight within the overall compensation system, and their impact in terms of the firm's ESG performance.
The increasing focus on sustainability has led many listed companies to adopt new forms of top management incentives, linked to environmental, social or corporate governance objectives. Although the rationale for these compensation policies is to push companies toward an increased focus on sustainability, in line with regulatory requirements and the expectations of many stakeholders, it has been pointed out that they risk making managers' compensation less transparent and less geared toward the creation of shareholder value, while also increasing the risk of private benefit use. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of ESG compensation of top management in the Fossil Fuel industry, one of the industries with the greatest environmental impact and in which the adoption of these new forms of incentives is particularly common. In particular, the thesis analyzes the determinants of the adoption of ESG-based compensation policies, their weight within the overall compensation system, and their impact in terms of the firm's ESG performance.
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