Tesi etd-01192016-103731 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Ruiz, Maria Laura
Parole chiave
- Animal Spirits
- Ciclo Economico
- Crisi Finanziaria
- Modello Comportamentale
Data inizio appello
Questo elaborato analizza il ciclo economico e come gli animal spirits possono influenzare il suo andamento. Il concetto di animal spirits, introdotto da J.M.Keynes e ripreso da G.Akerlof e R.Shiller, descrive il funzionamento dell'economia quando le persone sono umane. Basandosi su un'analisi comportamentale che individua meccanismi psicologici, presenti nel ciclo economico, si creano delle dinamiche diverse da quelle previste dalla teoria tradizionale. Il sistema economico è caratterizzato da incertezza e l'economia, oltre che da attori razionali, è governata da motivazioni non economiche. I concetti di razionalità e irrazionalità sono emersi nella seconda metà del XX sec. grazie alla Finanza Comportamentale, approccio interdisciplinare che fonde elementi di economia, finanza e psicologia in modo da capire il reale funzionamento dei mercati finanziari. Le dinamiche comportamentali possono influenzare sia i modelli macroeconomici DSGE, vere e proprie guide per le politiche economiche utilizzate dai governi e dalle banche centrali, sia la politica monetaria, ossia l'insieme delle scelte che un policymaker produce al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi che riguardano la moneta. Nella realtà l'influenza degli animal spirits nei mercati finanziari e nel ciclo economico si può riscontare nello scoppio di due bolle speculative, negli Stati Uniti d'America nel 2007 e in Cina nel 2015.
This paper analyzes the economic cycle and how animal spirits can influence its trend. The concept of animal spirits, introduced by J.M.Keynes and resumed by G.Akerlof and R.Shiller, describes the functioning of the economy when people are human. Based on a behavioral analysis that identifies psychological mechanisms, present in the economic cycle, different dynamics are created than those provided by traditional theory. The economic system is characterized by uncertainty and the economy, as well as rational actors, is governed by non-economic reasons. The concepts of rationality and irrationality emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. Thanks to the Behavioral Finance, an interdisciplinary approach combining elements of economics, finance and psychology to understand the real functioning of the financial markets. Behavioral dynamics can affect both the DSGE macroeconomic models, real economic policy guides used by governments and central banks, and monetary policy, that is, the set of choices that a policymaker produces in order to achieve the goals that concern the coin. In reality, the influence of animal spirits on the financial markets and the economic cycle can be reflected in the outbreak of two speculative bubbles, in the United States of America in 2007 and in China in 2015.
This paper analyzes the economic cycle and how animal spirits can influence its trend. The concept of animal spirits, introduced by J.M.Keynes and resumed by G.Akerlof and R.Shiller, describes the functioning of the economy when people are human. Based on a behavioral analysis that identifies psychological mechanisms, present in the economic cycle, different dynamics are created than those provided by traditional theory. The economic system is characterized by uncertainty and the economy, as well as rational actors, is governed by non-economic reasons. The concepts of rationality and irrationality emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. Thanks to the Behavioral Finance, an interdisciplinary approach combining elements of economics, finance and psychology to understand the real functioning of the financial markets. Behavioral dynamics can affect both the DSGE macroeconomic models, real economic policy guides used by governments and central banks, and monetary policy, that is, the set of choices that a policymaker produces in order to achieve the goals that concern the coin. In reality, the influence of animal spirits on the financial markets and the economic cycle can be reflected in the outbreak of two speculative bubbles, in the United States of America in 2007 and in China in 2015.
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