Tesi etd-01182024-130302 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
L'epifania del sacro nelle opere di Pasolini: una lettura "ecologica" da Poesie a Casarsa a Petrolio
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Fiorillo, Alessandro
Parole chiave
- ecologia
- letteratura italiana contemporanea.
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- sacro
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
La tesi si occupa di indagare la connessione che sussiste, nelle opere di Pier Paolo Pasolini, tra il sentimento del sacro e la rappresentazione di specifici paesaggi naturali, urbani e "umani". Si tratta di un percorso attraverso le opere principali dell'autore, volto a riflettere sugli effetti che l'avanzare del potere neocapitalista in Italia ha avuto sull'assetto paesaggistico e sulle classi sociali "marginali", ultima espressione del rapporto autentico dell'uomo con il proprio ambiente di appartenenza. Dopo un primo capitolo introduttivo sulla questione del rapporto tra uomo e natura affrontata dal punto di vista di autori italiani legati alla figura di Pasolini come Leopardi, Pascoli, Gadda e Calvino, l'elaborato procede con l'analisi delle opere del periodo friulano dell'autore (in particolare, Poesie a Casarsa), in una prospettiva di profonda connessione con la terra e con i giovani contadini friulani, nei quali vive ancora il sentimento del sacro. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato alla rappresentazione dei paesaggi romani in opere come Ragazzi di vita, Mamma Roma, Accattone, e nel documentario La forma della città: in questo capitolo avranno un ruolo cruciale i concetti di “periferia” e di “sottoproletariato”, perché è in essi che resiste tragicamente il senso del sacro in un’epoca ormai in rovinosa caduta. L'ultimo capitolo affronta la questione della scomparsa delle lucciole e la visione apocalittica dell'ultimo Pasolini: vengono prese in considerazione opere come Salò e Petrolio come emblema di quanto la definitiva scomparsa del sacro abbia inciso sul mondo contemporaneo. Infine, si vuole mettere in evidenza come la connessione tra sacro ed ecologia sia una peculiarità di Pasolini, da rivalutare in un'ottica positiva: l'autore ci ha permesso di istituire un dialogo con altri tempi attraverso la letteratura, e di poter comprendere meglio le dinamiche odierne.
This thesis is concerned with investigating the connection that exists, in the works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, between the feeling of the sacred and the representation of specific natural, urban and "human" landscapes. It is a journey through the author's major works, aimed at reflecting on the effects that the advance of neo-capitalist power in Italy has had on the landscape arrangement and on the "marginal" social classes, the ultimate expression of man's authentic relationship with his environment of belonging. After an initial introductory chapter on the question of the relationship between man and nature addressed from the point of view of Italian authors linked to the figure of Pasolini such as Leopardi, Pascoli, Gadda and Calvino, the paper proceeds with an analysis of the works of the author's Friulian period (in particular, Poesie a Casarsa), from the perspective of a deep connection with the land and the young Friulian peasants, in whom the feeling of the sacred still lives on. The third chapter is devoted to the representation of Roman landscapes in works such as Ragazzi di vita, Mamma Roma, Accattone, and in the documentary La forma della città: in this chapter, the concepts of "suburbs" and "underclass" will play a crucial role, because it is in them that the sense of the sacred tragically resists in an age now in ruinous decline. The last chapter addresses the issue of the disappearance of the fireflies and the apocalyptic vision of the last Pasolini: works such as Salò and Petrolio are considered as emblematic of how much the definitive disappearance of the sacred has affected the contemporary world. Finally, it is important to highlight how the connection between the sacred and ecology is a peculiarity of Pasolini, to be reevaluated in a positive light: the author allowed us to establish a dialogue with other times through literature, and to be able to better understand today's dynamics.
This thesis is concerned with investigating the connection that exists, in the works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, between the feeling of the sacred and the representation of specific natural, urban and "human" landscapes. It is a journey through the author's major works, aimed at reflecting on the effects that the advance of neo-capitalist power in Italy has had on the landscape arrangement and on the "marginal" social classes, the ultimate expression of man's authentic relationship with his environment of belonging. After an initial introductory chapter on the question of the relationship between man and nature addressed from the point of view of Italian authors linked to the figure of Pasolini such as Leopardi, Pascoli, Gadda and Calvino, the paper proceeds with an analysis of the works of the author's Friulian period (in particular, Poesie a Casarsa), from the perspective of a deep connection with the land and the young Friulian peasants, in whom the feeling of the sacred still lives on. The third chapter is devoted to the representation of Roman landscapes in works such as Ragazzi di vita, Mamma Roma, Accattone, and in the documentary La forma della città: in this chapter, the concepts of "suburbs" and "underclass" will play a crucial role, because it is in them that the sense of the sacred tragically resists in an age now in ruinous decline. The last chapter addresses the issue of the disappearance of the fireflies and the apocalyptic vision of the last Pasolini: works such as Salò and Petrolio are considered as emblematic of how much the definitive disappearance of the sacred has affected the contemporary world. Finally, it is important to highlight how the connection between the sacred and ecology is a peculiarity of Pasolini, to be reevaluated in a positive light: the author allowed us to establish a dialogue with other times through literature, and to be able to better understand today's dynamics.
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Tesi non consultabile. |