Tesi etd-01162020-225239 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición di Juan Andrés García Román: analisi e proposta di traduzione
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Di Pastena, Enrico
correlatore Prof. Nardoni, Valerio
correlatore Prof. Nardoni, Valerio
Parole chiave
- contemporanea
- Juan Andrés García Román
- letteraria
- poesia
- spagnola
- traduzione
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
La prima parte del mio elaborato di tesi consiste nella traduzione dell’ultima raccolta del poeta spagnolo contemporaneo Juan Andrés García Román, intitolata Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición [Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2017], inedita in Italia. La seconda parte si articola in tre capitoli: il primo è dedicato alla biografia e all’evoluzione poetica dell’autore; il secondo indaga l’eredità letteraria lasciata dal Novecento alla poesia contemporanea e mette a confronto cinque tra le più influenti voci di oggi; il terzo presenta l’analisi stilistico-formale di Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición e la riflessione traduttologica. In appendice è contenuto un testo metapoetico inedito di Juan Andrés García Román.
The first part of my Master thesis consists in the translation of the last collection of poems by the contemporary Spanish writer Juan Andrés García Román, Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición [Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2017], still unpublished in Italy. The second part of my thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter describes the author’s biography and his poetic evolution; the second chapter investigates the Twentieth Century Poetry in order to show the influence it still exerts on contemporary poets and hence compares five of them; the last chapter contains the stylistic analysis of Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición and the translation-related issues. An unpublished reflection paper about poetry as a genre in given in Appendix.
The first part of my Master thesis consists in the translation of the last collection of poems by the contemporary Spanish writer Juan Andrés García Román, Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición [Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2017], still unpublished in Italy. The second part of my thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter describes the author’s biography and his poetic evolution; the second chapter investigates the Twentieth Century Poetry in order to show the influence it still exerts on contemporary poets and hence compares five of them; the last chapter contains the stylistic analysis of Fruta para el pajarillo de la superstición and the translation-related issues. An unpublished reflection paper about poetry as a genre in given in Appendix.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |