Thesis etd-01122023-112906 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Thesis title
Coltivazione di microalghe in substrati nutritivi, derivanti da acque reflue o scarti di origine agricola.
Course of study
relatore Prof. Pardossi, Alberto
relatore Dott.ssa Ciurli, Adriana
correlatore Prof.ssa Pistelli, Laura
relatore Dott.ssa Ciurli, Adriana
correlatore Prof.ssa Pistelli, Laura
- acque reflue delle serre (hydroponic effluents)
- biorisanamento (phycoremediation)
- Chlorella
- mangime per acquacoltura (aquacalture feeds)
- microalghe (microalgae)
Graduation session start date
Release date
I cambiamenti climatici spingono verso la ricerca di nuove soluzioni per ridurre l'impatto delle attività umane sull'ambiente. Il settore agricolo è il modello più impattante perchè ogni anno attua concimazioni e irrigazioni sovrabbondanti per cercare di ottenere produzioni maggiori. L'idroponica è una tecnica che utilizza soluzioni nutritive ottimali per ottenere una produzione continua svincolata dalla stagionalità. Le acque che ne derivano contengono ancora elevate concentrazioni di nutrienti, causando problemi di eutrofizzazione dei bacini idrici qualora riversate nell'ambiente. Al tempo stesso per essere riversate in fogna devono sottostare a limiti di legge. Trattare le acque per ridurre l'eccesso di elementi minerali porta ad un beneficio ambientale. Lo studio è stato svolto per capire se l'applicazione di un ceppo di Chlorella sp. su un effluente derivato da colture idroponiche di pomodoro a fine ciclo, è in grado di abbattere i nutrienti ancora in soluzione e produrre biomassa come valore aggiunto. Gli esperimenti in prima parte sono stati condotti in laboratorio per scegliere il ceppo migliore, in secondo luogo sono stati condotti in serra in fotobioreattori in sacco dal volume di 100 litri, in tre diverse stagioni per valutare la crescita sotto diverse condizioni. I risultati indicano che le microalghe abbattono quasi del tutto i minerali e al tempo stesso si ottiene biomassa da riutilizzare come mangime per l'acquacoltura.
Climate change pushes towards the search for new solutions to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment. The agricultural sector is the model with the most impact because every year it implements large fertilization and irrigation trying to obtain greater production. Hydroponics is a technique that uses optimal nutritional solutions to obtain continuous production independent of seasonality. The resulting waters still contain high concentrations of nutrients, causing problems of eutrophication of water basins if discharged into the environment. At the same time, in order to be poured into the sewer, they must comply with legal limits. Treating water to reduce the excess of mineral elements leads to an environmental benefit. The study was carried out to understand if the application of a Chlorella sp. on an effluent derived from tomato hydroponic crops at the end of the cycle, can break down the nutrients still in solution and produce biomass as an added value. The experiments were firstly carried out in the laboratory to choose the best strain, secondly, they were carried out in greenhouses in 100 liter bag photobioreactors, in three different seasons to evaluate growth under different conditions. The results indicate that microalgae almost completely break down minerals and at the same time biomass is obtained to be reused as feed for aquaculture.
Climate change pushes towards the search for new solutions to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment. The agricultural sector is the model with the most impact because every year it implements large fertilization and irrigation trying to obtain greater production. Hydroponics is a technique that uses optimal nutritional solutions to obtain continuous production independent of seasonality. The resulting waters still contain high concentrations of nutrients, causing problems of eutrophication of water basins if discharged into the environment. At the same time, in order to be poured into the sewer, they must comply with legal limits. Treating water to reduce the excess of mineral elements leads to an environmental benefit. The study was carried out to understand if the application of a Chlorella sp. on an effluent derived from tomato hydroponic crops at the end of the cycle, can break down the nutrients still in solution and produce biomass as an added value. The experiments were firstly carried out in the laboratory to choose the best strain, secondly, they were carried out in greenhouses in 100 liter bag photobioreactors, in three different seasons to evaluate growth under different conditions. The results indicate that microalgae almost completely break down minerals and at the same time biomass is obtained to be reused as feed for aquaculture.
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