Tesi etd-01082021-200316 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Indagine sull'elmintofauna nella lepre europea (Lepus europaeus Pallas 1778) della provincia di Grosseto e nella lepre italica (Lepus corsicanus De Winton 1898) del territorio siciliano.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Macchioni, Fabio
correlatore Dott.ssa Romeo, Giorgia
correlatore Dott.ssa Romeo, Giorgia
Parole chiave
- Grosseto
- Lepus corsicanus
- Lepus europaeus
- parasites
- parassiti
- Sicilia
Data inizio appello
Il presente lavoro di tesi è consistito in un'indagine parassitologica su campioni di due specie di lepre presenti sul territorio italiano, in particolare sono state condotte analisi necroscopiche e coprologiche su 47 campioni di lepre europea (Lepus europaeus) provenienti dalla provincia di Grosseto raccolti durante il prelievo venatorio, e di 27 campioni di lepre italica (Lepus corsicanus) provenienti dalla Sicilia, raccolti nell'ambito di un progetto sperimentale volto alla realizzazione di un piano di prelievo sostenibile della specie. I campioni di lepre europea analizzati erano costituiti dai principali organi sede di parassitosi, quali apparato gastro-intestinale, apparato cardio-respiratorio e fegato, mentre per la lepre italica è stato analizzato il solo apparato gastro-intestinale. Sulla base della letteratura presente in materia, gli elminti raccolti sono stati identificati, contati, ne è stato determinato il sesso e sono stati conservati in alcol al 70%. Dagli intestini di entrambe le specie sono state estratti campioni di feci, successivamente sottoposti a esami coprologici per l'individuazione di oocisti di coccidi (Protozoi) e uova di nematodi. I dati raccolti sono stati usati per calcolare indici epidemiologici. Per il parassita più comune, l’indice di prevalenza è stato sottoposto ad analisi statistica tramite test esatto di Fisher, per evidenziare differenze di infestazione tra maschi e femmine di lepre e tra esemplari giovani e adulti. I risultati dei test statistici hanno evidenziato alcune differenze significative, che sono state quindi discusse.
My thesis work consisted in a parasitological survey regarding samples of two hare species, that are present in Italy, specifically we conducted necropsy examinations and coprological analyses on 47 samples of brown hare (Lepus europaeus), collected in the Grosseto province during the 2018 hunting season, and 27 samples of italian hare (Lepus corsicanus), collected in Sicily during the 2017-2018 hunting seasons, as part of an experimental project that aims to create a sustainable hunting plan for this species. Brown hares’ samples analyzed were the main organs in which parasites are usually located, specifically the gastro-intestinal system, cardio-respiratory system and the liver, while regarding to the italian hare we analyzed only the gastro-intestinal system. Using data on the relevant bibliography, the helminths that we found were identified, counted, we determined sex and we conserved them in a 70% alcool solution. From the intestines of both sets of samples we extracted feces, that we subsequently examined with corpological techniques in order to detect oocysts of coccidia and nematodes’ eggs. We used the data collected during the laboratory work to calculate important epidemiological indices, that are helpful in the description of the parasitosis understanding. The prevalence index regarding the most common parasite was subjected to Fisher’s exact test as statistical analysis, in order to see if there are differences in the infestation between male or female individuals and between young and adult hares. Some results of the statistical test were significant and were subsequently discussed.
My thesis work consisted in a parasitological survey regarding samples of two hare species, that are present in Italy, specifically we conducted necropsy examinations and coprological analyses on 47 samples of brown hare (Lepus europaeus), collected in the Grosseto province during the 2018 hunting season, and 27 samples of italian hare (Lepus corsicanus), collected in Sicily during the 2017-2018 hunting seasons, as part of an experimental project that aims to create a sustainable hunting plan for this species. Brown hares’ samples analyzed were the main organs in which parasites are usually located, specifically the gastro-intestinal system, cardio-respiratory system and the liver, while regarding to the italian hare we analyzed only the gastro-intestinal system. Using data on the relevant bibliography, the helminths that we found were identified, counted, we determined sex and we conserved them in a 70% alcool solution. From the intestines of both sets of samples we extracted feces, that we subsequently examined with corpological techniques in order to detect oocysts of coccidia and nematodes’ eggs. We used the data collected during the laboratory work to calculate important epidemiological indices, that are helpful in the description of the parasitosis understanding. The prevalence index regarding the most common parasite was subjected to Fisher’s exact test as statistical analysis, in order to see if there are differences in the infestation between male or female individuals and between young and adult hares. Some results of the statistical test were significant and were subsequently discussed.
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tesiEricaRomi.pdf | 2.10 Mb |
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