Tesi etd-01072019-194953 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale
Reintroduzione della Lepre italica (Lepus corsicanus) all’Isola d’Elba. Monitoraggio mediante Radiotracking (VHF) e impiego di radiocollari GPS. Due tecniche a confronto
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Paci, Gisella
Parole chiave
- Home range
- Isola d'Elba
- lepre (Lepus corsicanus)
- radiocollare GPS
- radiotracking (VHF)
- reintroduction
- reintroduzione
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
The project, according to Piano Nazionale for the conservation of Italian hare, has been realised in Arcipelago Toscano National Park, on Elba Island. The aim of the work was to monitor and analyse the behaviour of some individuals of Italian hare (Lepus corsicanus) coming from breeding centers and reinserted in nature in an area where the specie historically have been.
The work focused in the introduction of some individuals on Monte Perone, where since 2016 a total of 42 animals coming from two breeding centers have been released. The animals have been monitored through the activity of Radiotracking, the use of GPS collars and camera trapping.
Points of indisputable presence of the specie have been noticed through different tecniques and thanks to various localisations we calculated the home range of each individual by the non parametric method kernel density.
Home range’s analysis measured statistical differences between the extent of the areas frequented by individuals equipped with VHF collar and by those provided with GPS collars. We examined in depth also the comparisons between night and day, for sex and for survival’s days. These analyses don’t notice significant differences in spatial behaviour of subjects.
Moreover, to compare the two techniques, we realised a technique-economic evaluation and an analysis of advantages and disadvantages.
The camera trapping, in addition to the observation of the inserted individuals’ behaviour, allowed to evaluate the presence, in the study area, of possible bother factors as the antropic pressure and the presence of predators.
The work focused in the introduction of some individuals on Monte Perone, where since 2016 a total of 42 animals coming from two breeding centers have been released. The animals have been monitored through the activity of Radiotracking, the use of GPS collars and camera trapping.
Points of indisputable presence of the specie have been noticed through different tecniques and thanks to various localisations we calculated the home range of each individual by the non parametric method kernel density.
Home range’s analysis measured statistical differences between the extent of the areas frequented by individuals equipped with VHF collar and by those provided with GPS collars. We examined in depth also the comparisons between night and day, for sex and for survival’s days. These analyses don’t notice significant differences in spatial behaviour of subjects.
Moreover, to compare the two techniques, we realised a technique-economic evaluation and an analysis of advantages and disadvantages.
The camera trapping, in addition to the observation of the inserted individuals’ behaviour, allowed to evaluate the presence, in the study area, of possible bother factors as the antropic pressure and the presence of predators.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |