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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-01062023-174933

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Environmental Human Rights Defenders and Netorical Twitter Activism
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Giuliani, Elisa
Parole chiave
  • environmental human rights defenders
  • netorical language
  • twitter activism
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Environmental Human Rights Defenders (EHRDs) are even more using social media as a tool todefend their land and their rights. The EHRDs organizations user base, on the other hand, consists ofyoung people who use websites and social networks intensively, have multitasking skills, are connected to the Internet and want to access information quickly. EHRDs organizations, which enable their users to access resources online, regardless of time and place, provide online information services and interact with them through social network accounts. In the majority of tweets analyzed here, text and image-based tweets were preferred.Although the goal of all organizations is environmental protection, biodiversity, they are distinguished by one aspect.This is the region to which the organizations belong.In the technological era, the unlimited use of the netorica lfeatures of such platforms makes it possible to increase the number of shares. We can say that Twitter is a tool that helps organizations to gain an audience following in effective quantity.In addition to having happy times by socializing in the digital environment, it can be seen that the number of followers increase after organizations express themselves with visual and textual shares. Organizations pay attention to every word they use, legitimize themselves among the people and win petitions. Each of the organizations continue their activities online by accessing online platform every day.It is noticeable that they log into their Twitter profiles at least once every day and post.Although the tweets were shared on different dates, it was seen that it made it easier to follow the information and to see the whole of the subject. Considering the use of hashtags (#) in the analyzed tweets; It has been seen that it is actively used in information sharing and tweets are used to ensure integrity about sharing themes.With the slow adoption of Twitter in organizations, it is expected to be used more in the future. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be said that the level of activity on the Twitter platform can vary regardless of the year the account was created.For a developing country like the Philippines, poor internet accessibility is a barrier to online activity.In a technology hegemon country like America, the use of online platforms is undoubtedly high (i.e. Greenpeace International) Based on these results;
1. Even if the need arises, it can increase the interaction by using Twitter, one of the social media tools, in order to inform the society.
2. Twitter can ensure the dissemination of accurate and reliable information by means of two-way communication (organization and users relation) with more remarkable content, short videos and campaigns.
3. The use of Twitter should be encouraged and expanded among the public in order to provide accurate and reliable information for the society that has problems in reaching the right information source in social media.
It is noticeable that organizations establish more online communication on Twitter, and organize various festivals and meetings.
In a final assessment, as social media platforms have become an important means of communication in modern times, the interest of organizations to technologies has also increased.