Thesis etd-11232015-131741 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Thesis title
Indagine molecolare per la valutazione della qualita' e dell'amplificabilita' del DNA estratto da preparazioni a base di surimi: difficolta' e prospettive
Course of study
relatore Prof.ssa Guidi, Alessandra
relatore Dott. Armani, Andrea
correlatore Dott. Castigliego, Lorenzo
relatore Dott. Armani, Andrea
correlatore Dott. Castigliego, Lorenzo
- 16s rRNA gene
- COI gene
- degradazione DNA / surimi-based products
- DNA barcoding
- DNA barcoding
- DNA degradation.
- gene 16S rRNA
- gene COI
- identificazione di specie
- preparazioni a base di surimi
- species identification
Graduation session start date
Attualmente, a seguito dei cambiamenti dello stile di vita, i consumatori sono orientati verso prodotti ittici caratterizzati da praticità di preparazione (ready to eat e ready to cook products). Tra questi, le preparazioni a base di surimi, prodotti costituiti da pesce ricomposto addizionato con vari ingredienti. La perdita delle caratteristiche morfologiche che si verifica durante la produzione del surimi rende impossibile l’identificazione delle specie utilizzate tramite analisi morfologica: è quindi necessario ricorrere a metodiche di laboratorio basate sull’analisi del DNA. In questo lavoro, considerando le limitazioni associate all’uso di tecniche analitiche basate sul sequenziamento quando applicate a prodotti trasformati e multispecie, 40 preparazioni a base di surimi sono state analizzate al fine di valutare il livello di degradazione del DNA e la sua amplificabilità a mezzo di primers universali. In particolare, è stato testato un nuovo approccio (multi DNA barcoding) analizzando sia frammenti del gene mitocondriale che codifica per la subunità 16S ribosomiale, che frammenti del gene mitocondriale che codifica per la subunità I della Citocromo C Ossidasi, utilizzando 5 coppie di primers differenti (3 per il gene COI e 2 per il gene 16S) per l’amplificazione di target di lunghezza variabile (da 655 a 139 pb). Tali primers sono stati preventivamente testati su 132 campioni di DNA derivanti da 45 specie di riferimento (41 di pesci e 4 di cefalopodi) valutando sia la percentuale di amplificazione che la concentrazione dei prodotti di PCR. Successivamente gli stessi primers sono stati utilizzati per amplificare e sequenziare i DNA estratti dai 40 campioni commerciali. Tutte le sequenze ottenute sono state confrontate con i database pubblici (BOLD e GenBank). I livelli di degradazione del DNA estratto da tali campioni sono stati quindi valutati in funzione dei risultati dell’amplificazione e del sequenziamento, valutando anche la lunghezza delle sequenze ottenute rispetto a quella dell’amplicone atteso. Le etichette di tutti i prodotti sono state analizzate alla luce delle normative vigenti. Le analisi effettuate hanno evidenziato che il 35% dei campioni analizzati mostrava un pattern di degradazione del DNA totale con frammenti inferiori alle 500 pb. Nonostante questo, l’utilizzo di più coppie di primers per l’amplificazione di frammenti di lunghezza differente (lunghi e corti) ha permesso di sequenziare tutti i prodotti di PCR ottenuti. Nel complesso, il 76% delle sequenze ottenute sono state ritenute utilizzabili. Dai risultati ottenuti dal confronto con i database il 18,5% dei campioni è risultato non conforme. Nonostante la metodica applicata abbia permesso di verificare le informazioni riportate sull’etichetta di alcuni prodotti le sue limitazioni non hanno permesso di valutare in maniera esaustiva la composizione di tutti i prodotti analizzati. Il presente lavoro conferma la valutazione della degradazione del DNA e la selezione dei primers quali step essenziali per superare i limiti associati all’analisi di prodotti trasformati e multispecie.
Currently, as a result of lifestyle changes, consumers moved towards seafood products characterized by a convenient preparation (ready to eat and ready to cook products). Among these, surimi-based products are preparations made of reassembled fish, supplemented with various ingredients. The loss of morphological characteristics of this processed product makes the species identification by morphological analysis impossible. Thus, it is necessary to use laboratory methods based on DNA analysis. In this work, considering the limitations associated with the use of analytical techniques based on sequencing when applied to processed and multispecies products, 40 commercial surimi-based products were analyzed in order to assess the level of degradation and the amplificability of DNA using universal primers. In particular, a new approach (multi DNA barcoding) was tested, analyzing both fragments belonging to the mitochondrial gene encoding the mitochondrial 16s ribosomal RNA gene (16s rRNA) and fragments belonging to the mitochondrial gene encoding the subunit I of Cytochrome C oxidase (COI), using 5 different couples of primers (3 for the COI gene and 2 for the 16s rRNA gene) to amplify target of different lengths (from 655 to 139 pb). These primers were tested on 132 samples of DNA extracted from 45 reference species (41 fishes and 4 cephalopods), in order to evaluate both the amplification rate and the concentration of PCR products. Then, the same primers have been used to amplify and sequence DNA extracts from 40 commercial samples. All the sequences obtained were compared with public database (BOLD and GenBank). The levels of DNA degradation of these samples were assessed in the light of the amplification and sequencing output, also comparing the lengths of the obtained sequences with those of the expected amplicons. The label of each product was analyzed according to the regulations in force. The performed analysis showed a pattern of degradation of total DNA with fragments less than 500 pb in 35% of the samples. Despite this, using multiple couples of primers to amplify fragments of different lengths (long and short), all the PCR products were successfully sequenced. Overall, 76% of the obtained sequences have been considered usable. The comparison with the databases highlighted that 18.5% of the samples was non-compliant. Despite the method applied has allowed to verify the information on the label of some products, limits associated to the technique did not allow to completely evaluate the composition of all the products. The present work confirms the evaluation of the DNA degradation and the selection of the primers as an essential step to overcome the limitations associated to the analysis of processed and multispecies products.
Currently, as a result of lifestyle changes, consumers moved towards seafood products characterized by a convenient preparation (ready to eat and ready to cook products). Among these, surimi-based products are preparations made of reassembled fish, supplemented with various ingredients. The loss of morphological characteristics of this processed product makes the species identification by morphological analysis impossible. Thus, it is necessary to use laboratory methods based on DNA analysis. In this work, considering the limitations associated with the use of analytical techniques based on sequencing when applied to processed and multispecies products, 40 commercial surimi-based products were analyzed in order to assess the level of degradation and the amplificability of DNA using universal primers. In particular, a new approach (multi DNA barcoding) was tested, analyzing both fragments belonging to the mitochondrial gene encoding the mitochondrial 16s ribosomal RNA gene (16s rRNA) and fragments belonging to the mitochondrial gene encoding the subunit I of Cytochrome C oxidase (COI), using 5 different couples of primers (3 for the COI gene and 2 for the 16s rRNA gene) to amplify target of different lengths (from 655 to 139 pb). These primers were tested on 132 samples of DNA extracted from 45 reference species (41 fishes and 4 cephalopods), in order to evaluate both the amplification rate and the concentration of PCR products. Then, the same primers have been used to amplify and sequence DNA extracts from 40 commercial samples. All the sequences obtained were compared with public database (BOLD and GenBank). The levels of DNA degradation of these samples were assessed in the light of the amplification and sequencing output, also comparing the lengths of the obtained sequences with those of the expected amplicons. The label of each product was analyzed according to the regulations in force. The performed analysis showed a pattern of degradation of total DNA with fragments less than 500 pb in 35% of the samples. Despite this, using multiple couples of primers to amplify fragments of different lengths (long and short), all the PCR products were successfully sequenced. Overall, 76% of the obtained sequences have been considered usable. The comparison with the databases highlighted that 18.5% of the samples was non-compliant. Despite the method applied has allowed to verify the information on the label of some products, limits associated to the technique did not allow to completely evaluate the composition of all the products. The present work confirms the evaluation of the DNA degradation and the selection of the primers as an essential step to overcome the limitations associated to the analysis of processed and multispecies products.
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