Thesis etd-09292022-150148 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di specializzazione (5 anni)
Thesis title
Pericapsular Nerve Group block nell’artroprotesi totale di anca: confronto tra volumi di somministrazione dell’anestetico locale
Course of study
relatore Prof. Forfori, Francesco
relatore Dott.ssa Nicastro, Manuela
relatore Dott.ssa Nicastro, Manuela
- analgesia
- analgesia
- anca
- anestetico
- anesthetic
- arthroplasty
- block
- block
- dolore
- hip
- local
- locale
- pain
- peng
- peng
- protesi
Graduation session start date
Release date
I protocolli di terapia antalgica postoperatoria per la protesi d’anca comprendono FANS, paracetamolo e analgesia regionale, con l’obiettivo di evitare l’utilizzo di oppioidi. Il PENG block è una tecnica di analgesia regionale che coinvolge solo fibre sensitive, garantendo la copertura antalgica senza modificare la funzione motoria. Scopo del lavoro è individuare il volume di somministrazione dell’anestetico locale ropivacaina associato al miglior outcome in termini di efficacia, durata e sicurezza nei pazienti sottoposti a protesi d’anca. Nello studio sono stati raccolti i dati riguardanti 63 pazienti, a cui è stato praticato PENG block utilizzando differenti volumi di anestetico locale: 15ml, 20 ml, 30 ml. I parametri valutati nelle 24 ore postoperatorie sono intensità del dolore (NRS), comparsa di effetti collaterali, richiesta di farmaci per il controllo del dolore, necessità di oppioidi. L’analisi ha mostrato assenza di differenze statisticamente significative nell’intensità del dolore postoperatorio e nella richiesta di ulteriori farmaci tra i diversi volumi utilizzati, mentre risulta statisticamente significativa la differenza negli effetti collaterali per i tre gruppi (p<0,05). Le nostre evidenze dimostrano la validità del PENG block come strategia antalgica postoperatoria e indicano che la somministrazione di un volume superiore di anestetico locale, correlata a una maggiore tossicità, non migliora la gestione del dolore.
The postoperative pain relief therapy protocols for hip arthroplasty include NSAIDs, paracetamol and regional analgesia, with the aim of avoiding the use of opioids. The PENG block is a regional analgesia technique that involves only sensitive fibers, guaranteeing analgesic coverage without modifying motor function. The aim of the study is to identify the volume of administration of the local anesthetic ropivacaine associated with the best outcome in terms of efficacy, duration and safety in patients undergoing hip replacement. In this study, data were collected on 63 patients, who were given PENG block using different volumes of local anesthetic: 15ml, 20ml, 30ml. The parameters evaluated in the postoperative 24 hours are pain intensity (NRS), appearance of side effects, request for pain control drugs, need for opioids. The analysis showed the absence of statistically significant differences in the intensity of postoperative pain and in the request for additional drugs between the different volumes used, while the difference in side effects for the three groups is statistically significant (p <0.05). Our evidence demonstrates the validity of the PENG block as a postoperative analgesic strategy and indicates that the administration of a higher volume of local anesthetic, correlated with greater toxicity, does not improve pain management.
The postoperative pain relief therapy protocols for hip arthroplasty include NSAIDs, paracetamol and regional analgesia, with the aim of avoiding the use of opioids. The PENG block is a regional analgesia technique that involves only sensitive fibers, guaranteeing analgesic coverage without modifying motor function. The aim of the study is to identify the volume of administration of the local anesthetic ropivacaine associated with the best outcome in terms of efficacy, duration and safety in patients undergoing hip replacement. In this study, data were collected on 63 patients, who were given PENG block using different volumes of local anesthetic: 15ml, 20ml, 30ml. The parameters evaluated in the postoperative 24 hours are pain intensity (NRS), appearance of side effects, request for pain control drugs, need for opioids. The analysis showed the absence of statistically significant differences in the intensity of postoperative pain and in the request for additional drugs between the different volumes used, while the difference in side effects for the three groups is statistically significant (p <0.05). Our evidence demonstrates the validity of the PENG block as a postoperative analgesic strategy and indicates that the administration of a higher volume of local anesthetic, correlated with greater toxicity, does not improve pain management.
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