Thesis etd-07012024-094834 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
Spazio politico e tempo della fine. La rappresentanza politica in Carl Schmitt
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof. Masala, Antonio
- Decision
- Hobbes
- Institution
- Law
- Philosophy of Law
- Political Philosophy
- Politics
- Representation
- Schmitt
- Space
- Time
Graduation session start date
Release date
Il presente lavoro indaga il concetto schmittiano di “rappresentanza” (Repräsentation) nel suo rapporto con la spazialità politica e la temporalità. L’obiettivo è mostrare come in Schmitt quello di “rappresentanza” è un concetto fondamentale non solo per comprendere cosa intenda con “teologia politica”, ma anche il rapporto che la politica necessariamente intrattiene con lo spazio che produce e modifica, così come con il tempo quando si esprime mediante decisioni e si rapporta istituzioni. L’analisi di tale concetto consente inoltre di confermare ripetutamente la tesi assunta in tutto l’arco del lavoro relativa alla possibilità di stabilire una continuità nella riflessione schmittiana, negando che essa sia riducibile all’individuazione di punti di rottura. Anche dove non esplicitamente menzionata, la rappresentanza in quanto “mediazione non mediante” costituisce la logica a cui Schmitt ricorre per pensare sia la politica che il diritto, dimostrando il carattere essenzialmente “tensivo” del suo pensiero, cioè l’impossibilità di trovarvi una sintesi definitiva o, in termini hegeliani, una Aufhebung degli elementi opposti che entrano in relazione.
The present work investigates the Schmittian concept of “representation” (Repräsentation) in its relationship with political spatiality and temporality. The aim is to show the importance in Schmitt of the concept of “representation” not only to understand what he conceives as “political theology”, but also the necessary relationship of politics with the space it produces and modifies, as well as with the time when politics takes decisions and relates itself to institutions. Moreover, the analysis of the concept allows to confirm repeatedly the thesis assumed in this work and relating to the possibility to establish a continuity within Schmittian reflection by refusing that it could be reduced to the individuation of some points of rupture. Even where it is not explicitly mentioned, representation as “mediation not mediating” is the logic adopted by Schmitt to think both politics and law, showing the essential “tensive” character of his thought, namely the impossibility to find in it a definitive synthesis or, in Hegelian terms, an Aufhebung of the opposite elements which enter into relationship.
The present work investigates the Schmittian concept of “representation” (Repräsentation) in its relationship with political spatiality and temporality. The aim is to show the importance in Schmitt of the concept of “representation” not only to understand what he conceives as “political theology”, but also the necessary relationship of politics with the space it produces and modifies, as well as with the time when politics takes decisions and relates itself to institutions. Moreover, the analysis of the concept allows to confirm repeatedly the thesis assumed in this work and relating to the possibility to establish a continuity within Schmittian reflection by refusing that it could be reduced to the individuation of some points of rupture. Even where it is not explicitly mentioned, representation as “mediation not mediating” is the logic adopted by Schmitt to think both politics and law, showing the essential “tensive” character of his thought, namely the impossibility to find in it a definitive synthesis or, in Hegelian terms, an Aufhebung of the opposite elements which enter into relationship.
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