Tesi etd-05062010-113759 |
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Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Evaluating multifunctional land use and livestock farming: a co-evolutionary approach among farmers and consumers
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
commissario Prof. Gianfaldoni, Daniela
commissario Prof. Bagliacca, Marco
commissario Prof. Marescotti, Andrea
commissario Prof. Cenci Goga, Beniamino Terzo
tutor Prof. Di Iacovo, Francesco Paolo
commissario Prof. Bagliacca, Marco
commissario Prof. Marescotti, Andrea
commissario Prof. Cenci Goga, Beniamino Terzo
tutor Prof. Di Iacovo, Francesco Paolo
Parole chiave
- co-evaluation tool
- multifunctional agriculture
- production-consumption patterns
- sustainability
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
This study takes its place within the research framework related to monitoring and assessment tools for agriculture sustainability as means of co-evolutionary transition towards responsible models of production and consumption.
The process of modernization and globalization of the agro-food sector, in a sense positive development, has also caused negative effects reaching its ecological, economic and social limitations. The future prospects add further concerns to the critical situation: the demand for multi-functional merits from agriculture grows alongside the need to feed a growing global population.
In a context of great pressure on agriculture and livestock sector, sustainable production holds the key to finding an answer to these challenges (Häni, 2006). But, in order to have a broad spread and achievement of sustainable principles, implementing solution on production side as well as promote development policy programs is not enough: cooperative actions involving also consumers in an active role are needed.
It is clear that a responsible agricultural production, which makes wise use of all its resources is essential. But also a more complex interaction and co-dependence between production and consumption systems as well as the development of an aware local system of reference is necessary for a new approach of responsible agriculture.
A basic starting point in order to establish models with a shared responsibility among the subjects involved is the re-location of production and consumption within new social relations and their disengagement from the external drivers (global markets, mass retailing …).
The present research aims to contribute in achieving these objectives through a holistic self-assessment tool for practical use at the farm level with also the purpose to provoke a co-evolutionary process of consumers and producers practices.
Basically, we think about a tool that is relevant to the evaluation community; provide practical guidelines and is user-friendly.
The process of modernization and globalization of the agro-food sector, in a sense positive development, has also caused negative effects reaching its ecological, economic and social limitations. The future prospects add further concerns to the critical situation: the demand for multi-functional merits from agriculture grows alongside the need to feed a growing global population.
In a context of great pressure on agriculture and livestock sector, sustainable production holds the key to finding an answer to these challenges (Häni, 2006). But, in order to have a broad spread and achievement of sustainable principles, implementing solution on production side as well as promote development policy programs is not enough: cooperative actions involving also consumers in an active role are needed.
It is clear that a responsible agricultural production, which makes wise use of all its resources is essential. But also a more complex interaction and co-dependence between production and consumption systems as well as the development of an aware local system of reference is necessary for a new approach of responsible agriculture.
A basic starting point in order to establish models with a shared responsibility among the subjects involved is the re-location of production and consumption within new social relations and their disengagement from the external drivers (global markets, mass retailing …).
The present research aims to contribute in achieving these objectives through a holistic self-assessment tool for practical use at the farm level with also the purpose to provoke a co-evolutionary process of consumers and producers practices.
Basically, we think about a tool that is relevant to the evaluation community; provide practical guidelines and is user-friendly.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |