Tesi etd-04132020-170721 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Indirizzo email
s.salamone2@studenti.unipi.it, sarasalamone93@gmail.com
Energy efficient torque distribution strategies for pure electric vehicles with independent drivetrains
Corso di studi
relatore Lutzemberger, Giovanni
relatore Lenzo, Basilio
relatore Bucchi, Francesco
relatore Lenzo, Basilio
relatore Bucchi, Francesco
Parole chiave
- distribuzione della coppia
- efficienza energetica
- electric vehicles
- energy efficiency
- modellazione
- modelling
- torque distribution
- veicoli elettrici
Data inizio appello
I veicoli elettrici sono ad oggi considerati una soluzione promettente per risolvere il problema dell’inquinamento ambientale, tuttavia ci sono ancora delle barriere tecnologiche che ne ostacolano la piena diffusione. L’autonomia delle auto elettriche è ancora ridotta rispetto a quella dei veicoli convenzionali. Questa tematica è stata affrontata, da un lato attraverso la ricerca sulle tecnologie delle batterie, dall’altro sviluppando delle strategie di controllo volte al miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica. In questi termini i veicoli elettrici con drivetrain indipendenti, che impiegano un motore per ogni ruota, offrono una grande flessibilità. Avendo a disposizione un set ridondante di attuatori, il comportamento desiderato del veicolo può essere raggiunto attraverso infinite soluzioni, tra le quali ci sarà una che massimizza l’efficienza. Il presente lavoro è stato svolto presso il Materials and Engineering Research Institute della Hallam Sheffield University, con l’obiettivo di valutare come diverse strategie di ripartizione della coppia possano influenzare l’efficienza del powertrain e dei suoi componenti. In un veicolo con quattro motori, a seconda della condizione operativa è possibile fornire la coppia distribuendola in modo equo tra i vari motori oppure secondo ripartizioni intermedie. Attraverso un’analisi delle perdite di potenza in relazione al comportamento del veicolo, sono state definite delle strategie ottimali di distribuzione della coppia che minimizzano le perdite. Al fine di verificare l’efficacia delle strategie è stato implementato un modello di simulazione in ambiente Simulink/Simscape, testato su profili di guida standard, nel quale sono stati affinati i modelli della macchina elettrica, del convertitore e della batteria al fine di rappresentare correttamente la loro efficienza.
Battery electric vehicles are considered a promising option to reduce pollution and the greenhouse effect, but there are still some technological barriers that obstacle the success of electric vehicles on the market. The driving range of BEV is still limited compared to combustion engine vehicles. Yet, there is ongoing research on how to improve performance and energy efficiency. This issue can be addressed by improving battery technology or developing optimal driving strategies that through advanced control on drivetrains and ancillaries can maximize energy efficiency. In this term, electric vehicles with multiple motors can offer great potential for flexibility. Owing to the use of multiple motors, the desired behavior of the vehicle can be achieved with an infinite number of wheel torque combinations. This provides the opportunity of an optimal torque distribution among the four drivetrains that enhance energy efficiency, through power losses minimization. This thesis has been realized at the Materials and Engineering Research Institute of the Hallam Sheffield University, with the aim to investigate how different driving strategies can affect the efficiency of the whole powertrain but also of its components. The analysis of the relation between power losses and vehicle behavior yields to the definition of energy-efficient torque distribution strategies that minimize power losses. A simulation model has been implemented in Simulink/Simscape environment, including models for electrical machine, the converter and the energy storage system, in order to correctly represent their efficiency. The simulation model has been tested on standardized driving cycles.
Battery electric vehicles are considered a promising option to reduce pollution and the greenhouse effect, but there are still some technological barriers that obstacle the success of electric vehicles on the market. The driving range of BEV is still limited compared to combustion engine vehicles. Yet, there is ongoing research on how to improve performance and energy efficiency. This issue can be addressed by improving battery technology or developing optimal driving strategies that through advanced control on drivetrains and ancillaries can maximize energy efficiency. In this term, electric vehicles with multiple motors can offer great potential for flexibility. Owing to the use of multiple motors, the desired behavior of the vehicle can be achieved with an infinite number of wheel torque combinations. This provides the opportunity of an optimal torque distribution among the four drivetrains that enhance energy efficiency, through power losses minimization. This thesis has been realized at the Materials and Engineering Research Institute of the Hallam Sheffield University, with the aim to investigate how different driving strategies can affect the efficiency of the whole powertrain but also of its components. The analysis of the relation between power losses and vehicle behavior yields to the definition of energy-efficient torque distribution strategies that minimize power losses. A simulation model has been implemented in Simulink/Simscape environment, including models for electrical machine, the converter and the energy storage system, in order to correctly represent their efficiency. The simulation model has been tested on standardized driving cycles.
Nome file | Dimensione |
tesi_finale.pdf | 3.12 Mb |
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