Tesi etd-04062020-145819 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Sistema di controllo sensorless per il trasporto multiagente di un dispositivo di cattura
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Pollini, Lorenzo
Parole chiave
- Carico Sospeso
- Cattura Drone
- Disturbance Observer
- Drone
- Matlab
- Multiagent
- Multiagente
- Osservatore di Disturbo
- Quadcopter
- Quadrirotore
- Quadrotor
- Sensorless
- Simulink
- Suspended Load
- Vision
- Volo in Formazione
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
I droni, ovvero velivoli radiocomandati con pilota remoto, hanno prepotentemente occupato la stampa informatica nel corso degli ultimi anni. Molto utilizzati per le riprese video aeree e per iniziative virali, trovano larga applicazione in molte delle attività civili, dal controllo del territorio al monitoraggio dei criminali, dall'analisi dei terreni alla ricerca di dispersi dopo una calamità naturale. Inoltre, molti sono gli studi effettuati per sfruttare questi velivoli anche nel trasporto di merci, sia da soli che in sistemi multiagente; proprio in questo ambito verte lo studio effettuato in questo lavoro di tesi. Lo scopo di questo elaborato consiste nella progettazione di un sistema composto da due droni cooperanti collegati da una rete, in grado di individuare un terzo drone, identificarlo come target e catturarlo. Entrambi i droni sono autonomi ed equipaggiati con una telecamera che li rende in grado di individuare l'obiettivo da catturare. I quadricotteri cooperanti non sono in grado di comunicare tra loro e non hanno nessun sensore che misuri fisicamente la forza esercitata dalla rete che li unisce vincolandoli o la loro distanza relativa. Questi, utilizzando un Disturbance Observer (Osservatore di Disturbo), sono in grado di stimare il disturbo generato dalla rete e regolarlo ad un valore desiderato tale per cui i velivoli si troveranno a procedere in formazione mantenendosi alla distanza desiderata. Entrambi, una volta individuato il target, proveranno a raggiungerlo, ma, allo stesso tempo, si troveranno a dover rispettare il vincolo di distanza. Questo fa sì che nessuno dei due raggiungerà mai veramente il target individuato dalla telecamera, ma, dovendo rispettare il vincolo di distanza stimato indirettamente dal Disturbance Observer, i velivoli si troveranno in una situazione in cui l'obiettivo sarà esattamente tra di essi e quindi in una posizione favorevole per la cattura. L’elaborato è stato realizzato in ambiente Matlab & Simulink e simulato sfruttando il simulatore robotico V-REP sviluppato dalla Coppelia Robotics.
The drones, or remotely piloted radio-controlled aircraft, have overwhelmingly occupied the computer press in recent years. Much used for aerial video and viral initiatives, they find wide application in many of the civil activities, from the control of the territory to the monitoring of the criminals, from the analysis of the lands to the search of dispersed after a natural disaster. In addition, there are many studies carried out to exploit these aircraft also in the transport of goods, both on their own and in multiagent systems; it is in this area that the study carried out in this work. The purpose of this work consists in the design of a system composed of two cooperating drones connected by a net, able to detect a third drone, identify it as target and capture him. Both drones are autonomous and equipped with a camera that allow them to locate the target to be captured. The cooperating quadcopters are not able to communicate with each other and have no sensors that physically measures the force exerted by the net that unites them or their relative distance. These, using a Disturbance Observer (Observer Observer), are able to estimate the noise generated by the net and set it to a desired value such that the quadrotors will be able to proceed in formation about distance. Both, once they have identified the target, will try to reach it, but at the same time, they will have to respect the distance constraint. This means that neither will ever really reach the target identified by the camera, but, having to respect the distance constraint indirectly estimated by the Disturbance Observer, the drones will be in a situation where the target will be exactly between them and therefore in a favourable position for capture. The work has been realized in Matlab & Simulink environment and simulated using the robotic simulator V-REP developed by the Coppelia Robotics.
The drones, or remotely piloted radio-controlled aircraft, have overwhelmingly occupied the computer press in recent years. Much used for aerial video and viral initiatives, they find wide application in many of the civil activities, from the control of the territory to the monitoring of the criminals, from the analysis of the lands to the search of dispersed after a natural disaster. In addition, there are many studies carried out to exploit these aircraft also in the transport of goods, both on their own and in multiagent systems; it is in this area that the study carried out in this work. The purpose of this work consists in the design of a system composed of two cooperating drones connected by a net, able to detect a third drone, identify it as target and capture him. Both drones are autonomous and equipped with a camera that allow them to locate the target to be captured. The cooperating quadcopters are not able to communicate with each other and have no sensors that physically measures the force exerted by the net that unites them or their relative distance. These, using a Disturbance Observer (Observer Observer), are able to estimate the noise generated by the net and set it to a desired value such that the quadrotors will be able to proceed in formation about distance. Both, once they have identified the target, will try to reach it, but at the same time, they will have to respect the distance constraint. This means that neither will ever really reach the target identified by the camera, but, having to respect the distance constraint indirectly estimated by the Disturbance Observer, the drones will be in a situation where the target will be exactly between them and therefore in a favourable position for capture. The work has been realized in Matlab & Simulink environment and simulated using the robotic simulator V-REP developed by the Coppelia Robotics.
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