Tesi etd-01082021-204731 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Caratterizzazione della neurosteroidogenesi in modelli di microglia primaria umana
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Costa, Barbara
correlatore Dott. Germelli, Lorenzo
correlatore Dott. Germelli, Lorenzo
Parole chiave
- CYP11A1
- ligandi TSPO
- microglia
- neuroinfiammazione
- neuroinflammation
- neurosteroidogenesi
- neurosteroidogenesis
- StAR
- TSPO 18 kDa
- TSPO ligands
Data inizio appello
Le cellule di microglia sono definite comunemente come macrofagi residenti del sistema nervoso centrale; esse sono implicate infatti nella regolazione della neuroinfiammazione, fenomeno importante per la difesa del SNC ma che diventa dannoso se protratto nel tempo. I neurosteroidi rappresentano una classe molecolare in grado di esercitare un’azione neuroprotettiva e antinfiammatoria, e sebbene la loro produzione sia stata già ampiamente caratterizzata in altre cellule del SNC, l’obiettivo di questo progetto è di caratterizzare la steroidogenesi a livello della microglia. I modelli utilizzati sono i cloni microgliali C20 e HMC3, nei quali sono stati quantificati tramite tecniche di immunoblotting e di Real Time PCR i principali membri dell’apparato biosintetico steroidogeneico a livello basale, sotto stimolo immunogeno e in seguito a stimolazione farmacologica. Inoltre è stata condotta la genotipizzazione del polimorfismo funzionale rs6971 e un’analisi in silico predittiva per il legame di fattori di trascrizione al promotore di CYP11A1.
Microglia cells are commonly defined as resident macrophages of the central nervous system; in fact, they are implicated in the regulation of neuroinflammation, a phenomenon that is important for the defense of the CNS but that becomes harmful if prolonged over time. Neurosteroids represent a molecular class capable of exerting a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory action, and although their production has already been widely characterized in other CNS cells, the aim of this project is to characterize steroidogenesis at the level of microglia. The models used are the microglial clones C20 and HMC3, in which the main members of the steroidogenic biosynthetic apparatus have been quantified by immunoblotting and Real Time PCR techniques at basal level, under immunogenic stimulus and following pharmacological stimulation. In addition, genotyping of the functional rs6971 polymorphism and in silico predictive analysis for transcription factor binding to the CYP11A1 promoter were performed.
Microglia cells are commonly defined as resident macrophages of the central nervous system; in fact, they are implicated in the regulation of neuroinflammation, a phenomenon that is important for the defense of the CNS but that becomes harmful if prolonged over time. Neurosteroids represent a molecular class capable of exerting a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory action, and although their production has already been widely characterized in other CNS cells, the aim of this project is to characterize steroidogenesis at the level of microglia. The models used are the microglial clones C20 and HMC3, in which the main members of the steroidogenic biosynthetic apparatus have been quantified by immunoblotting and Real Time PCR techniques at basal level, under immunogenic stimulus and following pharmacological stimulation. In addition, genotyping of the functional rs6971 polymorphism and in silico predictive analysis for transcription factor binding to the CYP11A1 promoter were performed.
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